“Do you want me to come over tonight after dance?” He asked leaning over me.

“I don’t know, Scott,” I sighed, “My parents will be home tonight. Maybe I will call when they are out of town,” I offered.

“Sounds like a good idea,” He smirked.

I went up on my tippy toes and kissed him.

“You know you can always call me when you’re parents are out of town, Shannon.”

I broke the kiss with Scott and looked around him to see Quincy smirking at us.

“Why don’t you get a life, puck-head?” Scott turned to Quincy.

“Scott, come on. Just ignore him.” I put a hand on his chest.

“No, sweetheart, let Jackass here fight his own fights,” Quincy smirked.

“Quincy, stop it,” I glared at him.

“No matter how you deny it, sweetheart, I’ll have you screaming my name,” Quincy winked at me. People started surrounding us.

“You wish, Puck-head. She’s with me,” Scott growled stepping in front of me.

“What? You think just because you are the quarterback you can get any girl you want? Oh wait, I can get any girl I want,” He smirked.

“I don’t need any girl,” Scott scoffed.

“Oh yeah . . . you have Shannon,” Quincy rolled his eyes, “I can have her any time I want, too.”

“Jackass,” Scott growled and then he tackled Quincy.

“Scott!” I screeched and I went after him as he and Quincy fought on the ground.

Suddenly I felt a cold vise-grip on my upper arm.

“Stop it you guys!” I called over to them. I ran over and tried to grab Scott's arm but he pushed me away and I stumbled into the lockers, “Someone get a teacher!” I yelled everyone ignored me.

I scanned the crowd for a pair of trustworthy eyes. Finally I made contact with Tyler.

Please,” I lipped to him.

He sighed nodded and then moved forward in the crowd. When He reached the two guys fighting he didn’t waste time. He grabbed Scott’s shoulders and pulled him back and then placed himself between Scott and Quincy.

“Scott, get a hold of yourself! He’s not worth it!” Tyler demanded.

Scott hesitated glaring over Tyler’s shoulder at Quincy. Then finally he sighed and relaxed. He nodded to Tyler and the crowds began to disperse.

“God, Scott, you’re a mess,” I sighed when he turned to me.

“It’s not my fault,” He growled, glaring at Quincy’s back as he walked away.

“It doesn’t matter. I need to get you clean up,” I sighed inspecting the cut just below right eye, his bloody nose and his slightly swelling bloody fist.

“Shannon, come on,” He complained.

“Tyler,” I called Tyler back as I snatched Scott’s keys from his pocket, “You drive with him right?”

“Yeah,” Tyler replied taking the keys as I handed them to him.

“Make sure this idiot gets home safe. I will be right behind you,” I said as we walked to the door.

Stumbling into A Vampire (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now