You Might As Well Be A Tall Glass Of Water Cause Monsters Be Thirsty

Start from the beginning

But before you can assess the situation anymore, you hear someone harshly sobbing a few feet away from you. You hop (since your neck is gone) and turn in the air and you find Sans' skull, which is still connected to his neck, shoulder, and half of his arm. He's the one who's crying. "the new skelebooty! it's gone! y/n's dead!" What the fu- Skelebooty!?

You furrow your dainty eyebrows and mentally shake it off. He might be hurt and spewing hysterics. You hop a little closer. "Hey, are you alright Sans? Are you hurt?"

Sans jumps and his sobs hiccup to a stop. Then he gasps and drags himself closer to you. "y/n! you're alright! ya weren't breathing and ya wouldn't wake up when i called! and- wait, did ya hear what i said?" He starts to sweat a river.

You give him a droll look. "What do you think?"

Sans' quietly despairs while you take another look around. "y-y/n, i-i didn't- i mean- please forgive meeeeee!" Wow. Sans is really a crybaby when you get to know him. It's a little endearing.

"Eh, my booty is a bit nonexistent, but whatever rocks your boat." You smirk a little.

He stops crying and just stares at you for a minute before giggling a little hysterically. "butt i'm not out of the game am i?"

You quirk an eyebrow. "Oh? And what game is this?"

Sans sweats a little before answering you. "For your... love. Of course."

You squint at him for a bit before humming and hop/turning away. "Let's go Sans! We need to find the rest of our bodies!"

He looks like wants to ask again before letting it go and dragging himself after you like a lost little lamb. Wide eyes and everything.

When you reach a clearing you find some rather good looking snow-skeletons of Sans and Papyrus. "Did you and Papyrus make these? They're really good! You know, since they're skeletons and not 'normal' snowmen."

If Sans still had his chest, it would have puffed up in pride. "yeah! we made them to distract humans so that we could capture them!" He quickly realizes why you were narrowing your eye sockets at him and begins to babble assurances. "n-not that we w-would have-!"

Before he can get too flustered, Papyrus and Grillby come crashing into the clearing. They were scuffed up and had snow, dirt, twigs, and leaves stuck in every crevice. Flowey popped up a few feet away and nervously glances back at the other two. "NO, NO, NO. WE MUST GATHER UP THEIR BONES SO THAT WHEN WE FIND THEM, WE CAN PUT THEM BACK TOGETHER AGAIN!" You see that they both have their arms filled with the rest of your's and Sans' bodies.

Grillby rolls his eyes and scoops up a rib from the snow. "I'm not saying that we shouldn't, what I'm trying to sa-" He cuts himself off as he catches sight of the two of you, or what's left of you. "Y/N! Thank goodness we've found you! You gave us quite the scare."

Sans pouts and raises whats left of his arm. "what about me?"

Grillby scowls at him and hisses. "This is all your fault in the first place!" He puts his nose into the air and struts past him to gently pick you up after he sets the rest of the bones down. "Now, just rest your pretty head my dear, I'll set you right."

He gives you a charming smile which turns into a grimace when Papyrus swiftly but gingerly plucks you from Grillby's grasp. "OH NO, I'LL PUT Y/N BACK TOGETHER BECAUSE I'M THE ONE WHO KNOWS HOW TO PUT A SKELETON BACK TOGETHER!"

Whatever Grillby's argument was is going to have to wait because right at that moment, the same rabid black dog from before rips through the clearing and snatches up what's left of Sans and takes off. "what the- aaaaargh! let go of me you mangy mutt!"

You seem to be the only one upset. Well, Papyrus looks enraged, but you find out why. "THAT THRICE DAMNED DOG!!! I THOUGHT I HAD KILLED IT ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!" He growls and takes off after the runaway furry menace.

You glance at the dog and a screaming Sans before looking back at Papyrus. "Papyrus! Throw me at the dog! I'll distract it and you take Sans!"


While it was sweet, you needed to stop the dog before it eats Sans. "Just do it!" He doesn't look like he's going to budge on this. You get an idea. "Pretty please? I'll give you a kiss after you rescue Sans." You flutter your eyelashes and cause your eyes to grow larger and create sparkles in them. Papyrus crumbles almost immediately. You love magic.

"BE CAREFUL ALRIGHT?" Papyrus gives you a slightly concerned look before reeling his arm back and chucking you toward the dog. You soar through the air and once you get close enough, you open your mouth and bite down on the dog's tail.

"YIPE!!!" The dog yelps and drops Sans before running in a circle, trying to snap at your skull. You are so glad that the dog has such a short tail or you'd be dog meat.

Papyrus grabs Sans before conjuring a red flaming bone and whacking the dog with it. You let go right as he does and watch as the dog goes flying over the trees, howling in rage.

You let out a sigh of relief as Papyrus picks you up and takes both of you back to the clearing where Grillby is fuming with Flowey cowering in the snow. You really need to find some lodgings soon because Flowey was wilting more and more with how cold it was.

Papyrus dumps Sans onto Grillby's lap and lifts you so that you were skull to skull. "SO, ABOUT THAT KISS..."

You roll your eyes and nod the best you can without a neck. "Alright bone man, come 'ere."

Papyrus smiles giddily and presses his teeth to yours. This was a bit different than what you were expecting. But it was nice. Great even.

You get plucked from Papyrus' slack grip after a few minutes and come face to skull with Grillby. "What about me!? I would like a kiss as well!"

You look back at Papyrus and see a dopey look on his face with those red and ragged hearts in his eyes. "Well, I guess it's only fair." He gets a triumphant look on his face and kisses you as well. This one is a bit different because he actually has lips, but it's just as good as Papyrus' kiss.

Sans pips up from being abandoned on the snow. "hey! i want a kiss too!"

You giggle and Grillby has to pull away. "Sure! But we both need our bodies first." As if on cue, Sans' and your bones glow your magic's color and reassemble themselves. Grillby reluctantly let's your skull go as it glows as well and floats over to reattach to your neck. You are whole again with a snap. Ah, much better. Being just a skull was weird.

You almost immediately get glomped by a slightly shorter skeleton. He slams his teeth against yours before jerking back, blushing and stammering apologies. "o-oh, i'm sorry! i- mph!" You shut him up by placing a soft kiss to his teeth. You pull back and giggle at him. He also has a rather dopey look and a dark orange ragged heart in his eye.

You hum and look around at the dazed monsters around you. You could get used to this.


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