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Author's POV
Laurent drove Larry to a fancy restaurant where they drink, smoke and just relax. It's more like a Vogue Party. Laurent and Larry went inside of the restaurant and Laurent asked for a table for two people. Laurent looked at Larry and it seemed like he was nervous and he couldn't really handle the smell of the place. I was about to ask him what's wrong until the waiter told us that our table was ready.

Larry's POV
We were walking to our table and I felt eyes roaming around us. I felt uncomfortable. I looked to the side to see women smoking and drinking looking at me. They were whispering something to each other's and that made me cringe. They probably think how a college student is here in a Vogue Party. I then felt smoke hitting my face and I inhaled by accident and then I started to cough. I saw Lau look at me but I contained my coughs in so he won't worry. I hold my coughs until we got to our table. Once we got you our table we sat down and I was still coughing a little. The waiter asked us what we wanted to drink first. I asked for a water and Lau ordered some wine. They waiter left and it was just me and Lau sitting looking at each other ,then Lau decided to break the silence.

Lau:*worried* Are you ok?

Larry:*containing his cough* Yea I'm fine.

Lau:*concerned* You don't look fine. What made you cough so much.

Lau then saw the lady behind them smoking in the air. He felt anger build up but he stayed calm so he wouldn't disturb them.

Lau: You want to leave and go to the beach instead?

Larry:*shocked* No no let's stay until we get our food. I'm fine Lau I promise.

I didn't want him to worry about me and this is our FIRST date and I don't want to ruin for his sake and mine. I wanted to perfect. I just one little mistake that's all one mistake isn't going to affect you. I saw the waiter come over to our table with our drinks and now we ordered our food. I order a chicken Alfredo dish while Lau ordered the same thing but with steak. We talked a little until our food came. Our food came and we dug in immediately and I'm actually surprised this is so good.

Lau:*smiles* Do you like the food?'

Larry:*smiles* Of course this dish it's so creamy and thi-

I stopped in the middle of sentence that I realized that I was saying something..inappropriate. But Lau made it nasty. I didn't mean to say it like that. I meant it in a different way. *mentally sigh* Man this is gonna be hard.

Lau:*smirks* And what else?

Larry:*realization* I was gonna say it really has rich taste to it. And it has a savory seasoning in it.

Lau: Ahhh I agree. So how far do you like our little 'date'?

Larry:*shy* I really like it Lau, but I didn't know that you were going to take me here at a party. Do know anybody here?

Lau:*looks around* Yea of course I know people I'm actually a client here I take pictures of the models.

Larry*shocked* Oh.. I didn't know you had a second job. Mind if I ask which job pays you the most?

Lau: This job pays more, but it's something way better than working as a teacher in a college. *chuckles*

Larry:*chuckles* That's true.

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