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Monday 7:00 am

Larry's POV
I woke up to see a bright light shining on my face and birds chirping. I honestly didn't want to get up. I just wanted to go back to sleep but I know that can't become true because of college. I go to a university actually, I go to University of California. It's an ok school. I mean the people here really likes me and they wanted me to come here. So I accepted and my Mamma was so proud of me. I really miss my mom. She would always be there for me, I miss her so much. But anyways my classes are French, math, and science. I love my class but math is so hard and Ms.Gracie is really an annoying teacher. She so mean sometimes and then other times she doesn't  want to be here. I don't know what her deal is she always has a stick up her ass. Now for my other classes French is by far my favorite and I really like my teacher. His name is Professor Laurent. He looks exactly like me and everybody in the school always ask me if I'm his twin and I said no I don't know him like that. It's strange doe having a teacher look exactly like me. He's really nice and he's really honest and funny. I feel like I have feelings for him....nah that not true...although he is kind of sexy... Maybe I do like him...idk I actually don't want to be in a relationship right now. And I am gay and I love guys, but some the guys here are really a douchebag sometimes and I don't like that in guys. I looked at my clock and it was 7:15 I really didn't want to go, but I'll just go anyways. So I got up made my way to the bathroom and took a shower and did my normal hygiene.

30 minutes later....

Man that shower felt good. I went downstairs and went into the kitchen to make me some breakfast. I'm going to make eggs,bacon and pancakes. While I was making breakfast my phone started to buzz. So I went over to the counter and looked at my phone and I had text message from my best friend Roy. Roy has always been there for me and he knows that I'm gay. The funny thing is that he's straight and I'm gay and it's kind of weird that a straight guy is best friends with a gay person. I mean its kind weird. But I knew I was going to be friends with him. He's always so honest,sweet, and funny. I'm so glad that I can actually trust someone here at this school.

Larry's and Roy's text Convo

R: Hey Larry I was wondering if you wanted to get a ride to school. Is that cool?

L: yeah is cool. What time you coming?

R: uh how about 8:15?

L: sure yeah that's sounds fine.

R:Cool alright see ya, I need to get going before my girlfriend yells at me again for making her late.

L: Lol, see ya later and don't make her wait to long.

R:lol Ikr Alright Later

L:Bye*puts smiley face*

I smiled and put my phone down and I got back in to my cooking for my breakfast. Once I was done eating my breakfast I went into the living room and relaxed a bit and watched some TV. From time to time I looked at my phone and looked through my Instagram feed and my other social medias. Then something came across to me when I looked through my Ig feed and it was my French teacher. I literally died when I saw that picture. He is so fucking sexy. (Pic above in the media is what he's looking at) I saw his caption under his pic and it said 'Can't wait to come back home and relax and enjoy my sweet time', I died again when I saw his caption. He's so fucking hot, now I really can't wait to go to French class today. I looked at the clock and it was 8:15 and I saw text from Roy saying he was here. So I grabbed my backpack and made my out of my apartment and met up with Roy. I was so happy to go to school cuz of what I saw today. I was so happy that I kept a smile on my face and Roy was chuckling and wondering why I was so happy. But he then just let it go and thought I was happy to go to school. We arrived to the school and I had my French class first for today and Roy had Art first so we made it on to the campus and then made our separate ways. We promised to meet outside in the courtyard to have lunch later. I walked to class and it seemed like I was in here first because it was so empty and quiet. I saw Professor Laurent on the chalk board writing notes and he stopped when he heard me come in. He looked at me and gazed me up and down and I felt chills going down my spine. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even realized he was waving his hand to my face.

Larry:*startled* Uhh?!

Laurent:*chuckles* I said Good Morning Mr.Bourgeois.

Larry:*turning red* Oh Good Morning Professor Laurent.

Laurent:*smiles* Class will start once everyone is here. You can go and take your seat.

Larry:Oh ok. Thank you.

Professor Laurent chuckled and walked back to his desk and resumed on taking notes on the board. I walked to my desk and thought about what just happen. I feel so embarrassed. I'm so glad no one saw that. But the way his voice was talking to me was so gentle and sweet. It was so angelic. I felt like I was going to burst when i didn't realize that he walked up to me. I knew he saw me turn red. That usually never happens. Whenever Professor Laurent is talking to me or if he called on me I always get shy and I can't really say anything. I just get so stunned and out of thoughts quickly. I saw people coming in and taking their seats and I was already nervous of how this day begin. I knew it was going to be a long day today.

This is my first chapter on my first story book and I'm so excited. I'm already going to work on it today actually. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it. Vote and I would love to see some feedback.


Sorry if there was mistakes😥

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