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Cory kissed me four hours ago. I know, he doesn't know that I'm in love with Max so I can't completely blame Cory, but I know Max is Mad at him by the way he looks at him when he walks by.
I stare out my window for the whole ride and when Max pulls to a stop in the parking lot I pretend to be asleep.
"Cass?" Max asks.
I stay silent, just remaining perfectly still.
I hear the car door on his side shut and a few seconds later I'm being lifted into his arms.
I shift slightly- which I usually would in my sleep and end up getting comfortable in Max' arms so I fall asleep.


I pick Cass up carefully and begin to walk into the building.
I'm about to open the door to the apartment when she shifts and I freeze for a few seconds, making sure I hadn't woken her up.
I push open the door slowly and walk in them towards the elevator.
"Oh- do you need me to press the buttons for you?" A lady asks as she walks over.
"Uh.. Sure, thanks." I reply, smiling. "Do you work here?" I ask.
"No actually, I live here. I just came down to grab my mail." She says, smiling.
"Oh, cool. I'm Max, by the way." I introduce myself, smiling.
"I'm Angie, I'd shake your hand but," she glances down at Cass.
I smile and laugh softly. "Yeah, she's my best friend.. Since, high school actually." I say, and step into the elevator.
"Oh I thought that you two may have-"
"Been dating? Uhm.. No, I'd like to ask her but, I don't know when or where to do it." I say, shrugging.
"Well, do you guys have jobs?" She asks, turning towards me. "Oh- what floor do you need to go to?" She asks.
"Third floor, and yes, actually, we work together now. At an office, actually." I say as she presses the third floor button.
"Well, when you can, go into her office room and ask her," she says, looking up at me.
I smile and nod. "Thanks, I'll try that tomorrow." I say and look down at Cass again.
"You really do love her, don't you?" Angie asks softly.
"I do, one of my friends actually kissed her earlier today." I say and clench my jaw for a few seconds.
"Oh.. I bet that-" the elevator dings and the doors slide open.
"I have to go, bye, Angie." I say, smiling then walk towards Cass' apartment.
I slowly reach down, careful not to drop Cass and ring the doorbell. A few seconds later, her mom answers.
"Oh, hi Max, she fall asleep again?" She asks.
"Yeah, I'll take her to bed." I say, smiling.
"Okay, go ahead," she says and steps aside.
I walk in and go to her room then gently lay her in her bed, kiss her forehead and begin to walk out the door.
"Max..?" She whispers.
I stop and turn towards her then walk over to her slowly.
"Hey, I thought you were asleep?" I say and sit on the side of her bed.
"I was.. But I woke up, can you.. Stay here? Until I fall asleep? I've been having trouble sleeping lately and-"
"And you think I can help?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.
"Yeah," she says softly and nods.
I smile and nod slowly. "I'll stay. Go get changed, I say and nod for her to go.


I get up and grab a pair of sweats and a tee shirt then go into the bathroom and change then return to my bedroom then scoot under my blankets.
"Murx-" I say, seeing that he's looking at the picture on my billboard.
He looks over at me then smiles and walks over to me then lays beside me, keeping himself above the covers.
"Just 'till you fall asleep, okay?" He says softly.
I nod and smile then rest my head on the pillow.
He gently tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and I glance at his lips for less than a second.
"Cass," he whispers softly.
"Mad Max," I whisper back and grin.
He raises his eyebrows and looks me in the eyes. "No." He says quickly.
I giggle softly and look into his eyes, which they then look down at my lips.
"Max," I say softly.
"Hm?" He hums softly.
"Kiss me-" I say and a few seconds later, his lips connect to mine.
I smile and gently place one of my hands on his cheek.
A few seconds later he pulls away, and I smile softly.
"Goodnight, Max." I say and kiss his lips gently one more time then fall asleep.


She kisses me one more time before she falls asleep again.
I smile and carefully get up then walk out.
"Bye Lauren, see you tomorrow, possibly, depending on if Cass falls asleep again." I say, smiling as I pull open the front door.
"Bye Max," she says, smiling as I leave.



I wake up the next morning and smile, remembering the feeling of Max' lips on mine, but when I remember Cory kissed me.. My smile fades.
I blink a couple of times then look around and decide to wear my black sweater, black leggings and my dark gray converse.
I apply some makeup- like I would do every day, and grab my phone then walk out the door as Max walks out of his.
"Hi, Max." I say smiling.
"Hey, Cass." He replies as we start walking to the elevator.
When we stop in front of it I take a deep breath and stare at the doors.
Max looks down at me and smiles.
"Just an elevator, Cass." He says, raising his eyebrows.
I roll my eyes and look at him then hit his arm playfully.
"AKA the thing I'm terrified of." I say and raise an eyebrow.
He laughs and steps into the elevator and I follow slowly.
The doors close and Max presses the first floor button and the elevator starts moving.
My anxiety kicks in and I feel my hands begin to shake.
"You okay?" Max asks, looking at me.
I look at him and walk over to him then hug him and bury my face in his chest.
He pulls his arms around me, returning the hug until I feel the elevator stop and I release him then walk out as soon as the doors open.
Max laughs softly as he walks out behind me.
"You were really eager to get out, weren't you?" Max asks, raising his eyebrows.
I furrow my eyebrows slightly and nod as we walk out of the apartment door.
"Of course I was, like I said before, elevators terrify me." I say and get ready to pull the car door open.
Max unlocks the door and I pull it open then step in and shut the door.
"Is it going to snow again?" I ask, looking over at Max as he gets into the car as well.
"They're calling for snow, yeah." Max says and looks over at me.
"Kay," I say and look out my window as Max starts driving off.

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