A Change Of Plans

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"Stiles?" Stiles heard a very drowsy man an the other end of the line.

"Why the hell are you calling me at 2:00 am in the morning!?!" The man's voice quickly turned from drowsy to angry.

Stiles cut straight to his point.

"Was mum human?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

"Stiles..." Stiles' dad said finally breaking teeth clenching silence. "I-I was going to tell you."

Tears streamed down Stiles' face.

Stiles felt his whole world crumble to pieces and fall through his fingers. He had been living a lie. He felt as if someone had reached inside his chest and ripped out his heart.

How could he do this to me? How could my own father keep this from me? Stiles thought to himself.

He could feel his sadness slowly turn in to a pit of hatred.

"But I saw her, she di-" Stiles paused. He didn't want to say the 'D' word, but he continued.

"She died right in front of me. Her hand was in mine when she flat-lined." said Stiles, his voice getting louder as each sentence left his mouth.

Stiles' few tears had turned in to waterfalls.

He heard crying come from the phone.

"She didn't die in a hospital, Stiles." said Sheriff Stillinski, trying to hold it together for his son.

"Your mother was a brave woman. But a very stupid one too. She pissed off a very powerful werewolf. He threatened to kill her family, to kill us, Stiles."

Stiles' face was now drench in tears.

"Being the smart woman that she was, she had a plan. She always had a plan. She was going to tell the werewolf that you and I were long gone and if he wanted us, that he had to go through her. But she couldn't go without saying goodbye. She had to make sure that you wouldn't try to find her. So she faked her death. I tried to talk her out of it. I told her I wouldn't help, but she being the person that she was, she convinced me. I bribed one of the nurses to disconnect the heart rate monitor."

Stiles flashed back to his mother's last words to him.

"Stay strong Stiles. Know that your mother loves you. Be a good boy. Listen to your father. Embrace who you are."

Those four last words kept repeating themselves in Stiles' head. 'Embrace who you are'.

"I'm so sorry Stiles"

Stiles said nothing. He just stared at the green grass below him and tried take in what he had just been told.

Stiles breaking the silence asked "Is-is she still alive?"

"I don't know, I never saw her after the hospital."

"I'm sor-"

Stiles hung up the phone.

He walked over to Lydia, who was with the others. He gave her back her phone.

"Thanks" he said not looking at her.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"she said.

Stiles shook his head slowly.

Deaton walked up to him.

"I'm sorry to ask for this now but, I need a sample of your hair so I can find out more about your.....situation.

Stiles plucked one of his short black hairs from his head and put it in Deatons test tube.

Scott walked over to him and grabbed his keys.

"I'll drive" he said with a sympathetic smile.

"We fixed the car up for you" he said looking at Roscoe.

"By the way, you're out of duck tape"

Roscoe had dents all over his body, but still seemed to work.

Stiles smiled at the gesture.

He looked up at Scott and said "Thanks man" putting his arm over his shoulders to give him a pat.

Stiles tried not to be a killjoy. But he couldn't help it.

Everyone, except Deaton, got in to the beaten up jeep. Stiles was in the passenger seat.

1 hour later

Stiles kept on replaying the phone call with his dad over and over again in his head. Especially, about the possibility of his mother still being alive after all these years. It's been nine years, why hasn't she at least come to visit Stiles. If she was still alive that is.

Stiles couldn't keep it all in. He had to tell someone, so he told his group of trusted friends. He told them everything.

"So your mum could be alive?" Malia said from the backseat.

Stiles made a yes sound.

Scott had an idea.

"We should go look for her."

"WHAT!?" said everyone in unison.

Scott continued.

"I mean, we still have most of the summer left. Why don't we look for her?"

"She could be anywhere. We don't even know if she was still alive." Stiles protested.

He didn't want to waste anyone's time with false hope.

"I know it's not much, but I've heard talk about a very powerful werewolf that's taken over the supernatural part of South Carolina."

"You guys would do that for me?" Stiles said, turning around facing his friends in the back seat.

They all nodded.

"Then I guess we're going then" Stiles said happier than ever before.

Born Not Bitten - (Teen Wolf)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant