7. Counting in Seconds

Start from the beginning

"What about the Fletcher and George?"

"They're showering, I think."

"You guys keep pretty good track of each other."

"We have to. You never know when..."

"Don't say it, Will." My throat choked up. "I worry enough as it is."

"Don't do it, baby girl. We can handle ourselves." Will smiled gently. "The rest is an occupational hazard."

"Putting it that way doesn't make it any better," I told him. "Every time I press the call or receive call button, my heart jumps into my throat. I freak out when I don't see any of you."

"Hey, hey, don't worry so much, sweetie. Believe in us, will you?"

I nodded, but didn't say anything else.

"Now. How's it going?"

"Actually, there's something I needed to talk to you about."

"First tell me this. Is Jade giving you any trouble? Are you doing okay?"

"Well, that." I cleared my throat. "I've started getting migraines again, but that's probably just the stress of planning such a big wedding."

"She said what? Migraines?" Dave plopped himself onto the bed next to Will. "Thyst, what's going on?"

"It's just the stress," I said dismissively. "Really."

"Your migraines are not a joke, Thyst. If they've started again, there's something serious going on. Has Jade messed with you?"

"No," I said. "Not more than she usually does."

Neither of the two looked convinced, but they didn't elaborate on that topic, because their attention was drawn to something else.

"Ey, what's that on your couch? Is that...is that a man's shirt?" Will asked, squinting at the screen.

I turned around, and sure enough, a white v-neck is tossed over the back of my sofa, clearly left behind by Onyx. I hear Dave and Will high-five as I curse out loud and turn back to find them wearing expressions of pride and victory. "Now don't you jump to conclusions - " I begin.

"Whooo!" Will crowed. "Our Thyst is screwing a guy! She's not going to be a nun!"

"Will," I mutter, reddening as I see other Marines turn towards the camera. "You've got it all wrong."

"No, I have it all absolutely right! Ey, Fletcher! Brody! Thyst's screwing a new guy!"

More men began to turn to the screen to stare. I waved at them shyly, making several ears turn pink. "He's lying!" I said loudly. "Don't listen to him, anyone! No sex since the last six months!"

"You're embarrassing yourself further," Dave pointed out.

"Oh my God," I said, my face burning, as Fletcher whooped in the background and George appeared in the background to make kissy faces.

"Are you going to help me or what?" I complained.

"Oh! Right, right." The joking stopped immediately. George pushed Will off the bed and took his place. "What is it you need our help with, baby girl?"

"I need an honest opinion," I said.

"Go ahead."

"Do you guys think I wasn't entirely committed to my relationship with Mason?"

Sadness colored the expressions of my closest friends. "Oh, Thyst," Fletcher sighed.

"What?" I asked, swallowing the developing lump in my throat.

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