#29 Nursery

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The babies nursery is going to have black walls with gold stars on it. Harry and I chose stars because whatever the girls do in life they will be stars and nothing will change that. There will be two white cribs with a pink bedside table in the middle of them with a lamp on top. On the outside of the two cribs will be hand made quilts made by Harry's mom, Anne, and they are both different so they don't get confused. On the side of one crib there will be a shelf with all of there stuffed animals and pictures of them throughout the years. On the side of the other crib is the dresser with all there clothes in it.

Putting the girls room together really makes being pregnant and having kids more and more real and how fast it is coming. In a couple short weeks Harry and I will have our girls and our lives will change. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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