#17- He Overhears You Talking to the Baby(s) (His POV)

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I just got back from the studio when I heard Y/N talking, that made me confused because you just got home and he was home alone all day. I walked up to the door of our bedroom so I could hear what she was saying. "You know, Emma and Samantha, Daddy and I love you so much right. Sometimes Daddy won't be their but I always will be. You know Daddy calls me his queen, so that would make you his princesses." Y/N was saying to my two little girls. "Hey, I'm home," I told her. "How much of that did you hear," Y/N said embarrassed. "All of it, and I loved it, and don't tell them I won't always be there. Even if I'm not there physically they can still call me whenever they need me, so don't put ideas in their heads this fast," I told Y/N making her laugh. After that you cooked Y/N dinner and talked about your days.

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