Chapter 4

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A little while back before the event happened, John was on his way to mycroft's house sitting in the cab. He was leaning against the window looking out, thinking about sherlock. His eyes started to wander around the car finding something look at, and he happened to look a the driver. John was sitting on the left side so he was able to see the left side of the drivers face.

He was slightly tan and built but not too buff, his expression on his face made him look like the silent type of person. The driver had a scar over his left eye, His hair was dirty blond and it looks like he was in the military due to the out grown haircut and chain around his neck, but he wasn't sure. The driver held an unlit ciggarette in his mouth, he must be a frequent smoker. The man didn't really look like the kind of person who would have a cab driver as a job.

John was getting cautious as he looked away from the driver. A few minutes later he arrived into Mycrofts street, but the driver stopped around the corner. John was confused as he tried to open the door. Locked. He was sensing that something bad was going to happen. He watched as the driver turned off the car and got out, john saw a man in a suit come out of another car but he couldn't clearly see who it is.

The driver walked towards johns door, he opened it and grabbed john.

"W-what are you doing?!" john yelled in a panicked voice. The driver wrapped his right arm around johns head holding him in a head lock. John heard him pull out something from his side, he didn't know what it was untill it made a fimilliar click sound.

A gun.

John was panicking and he tried to say something, but he couldn't. His eyes widened as he saw the face of the man in the suit, Jim Moriarty. John soon felt confused and scared.

" Hello Johnny boy." Jim said with a smile. " Do you like my little solider? " He asked, while walking toward the blond man and kissed him on the cheek. " His name is Sebastian. Sebastian Moran. He's an ex-military solider." Jim said while patting Sebastian's face. " well lets get going!" Jim exclaimed as he started to walk towards mycrofts house. Jim knocked on the door and stood slightly behind Sebastian.

John was panicking, Sebastian had a tight hold around his neck and he couldn't escape. As the door opened John was glad to see Mycroft but then stared at disbelief as he saw the person standing next to him. Sherlock.

" Well hello!" jim said with a smile." Longtime no see sherlock! Its been a while now has it?" He walked inside.

"What are you doing here?" Sherlock demanded as he looked at Jim, then at John, then back at Jim. " You were dead on the roof. I saw you shoot yourself!" He was shouting now.

" I would say the same to you Sherlock. I saw you dead on the pavement. I actually believed you were dead until this week." Jim said circling the brothers then looking at sebastian " Ah! I forgot to introduce my little soldier!" He walked towards sebastian and laid his hand on Sebastian's shoulder." This is Sebastian Moran, he's an ex- military soldier and he is mine" He smiled.

" But why are you here?" Mycroft demanded. Moriarty chuckled and pulled out two guns from his back pockets.

"It's obvious" he chucked. He pointed the two guns at mycroft and sherlock." im here to finish something"

John looked at the hopeless expression on sherlocks face and how mycroft has his eyes on the floor , ready to be executed. His head was spinning, he was still trying to understand what was happening. But he did know the plain facts. Sherlock is still alive, jim was still alive, and they were gonna die.

John's eyes watered as he looked at sherlock, he was staring back with eyes of guilt.

"on my count sebby" jim purred. John closed his eyes as a tear rolled down his face.


Sherlock closed his eyes.

" two"

Jim tightened his grip.


They pulled the triggers.

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