Looking over at Masky I see him lightly nod his head, as if he had just agreed to something in his head. He was probably arguing with himself as well. I'm just really hoping that Slender or his brothers won't go into our heads. I know when they are and I can change my thoughts but...Masky? He can't tell half the time. He can only tell when Slender is searching through his memories, which is when you start to hear static. Otherwise, he's hopeless. We both know that LJ is home though, but couldn't we just say that he borrowed something that belonged to us and we wanted it back? Yeah. That could work. Although LJ is smart so he'll argue back that he didn't have anything that belonged to us. But then we can just tell him that he took it when he was drunk. After all, he can't remember shit if he was drunk while he was doing it. I told Masky my plan who had quickly agreed to it. We always needed a plan if we were going to do something.

So we started heading up the stairs and to LJ's room. When in front of the monochrome clowns door I looked over at my partner in crime as if to say 'You knock.' Masky let out an extremely quiet sigh and curled his hand into a fist and knocking onto the door. I looked at the detail of his door sign. It was a candy (Like the ones LJ uses to poison kids) in the middle of a pile of black and white candy such as lollipops, candycanes and jelly beans. I never took notice before but it was extremely detailed. While waiting for him to open his door I glance around at the other doors in the hallway. They're all just plain oak doors with quickly painted signs on whereas LJ's is much more detailed than the others. I never knew LJ was a good painter...

The door finally opened with a click that brought me out of my thoughts. LJ stood in front of us with a confused look. "Well...what do you want? You two never appear at my door without Slender telling you to and I haven't done anything." He asks. Masky looks over at me and I said to LJ "When you were drunk last week you went into our room and took my pistol and Masky's camera. We want our stuff back." I tell him. LJ rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. "Oops. Sorry. I'll see if I can find them." he tells us and heads back into his room. Taking a quick peek in I see LJ rummaging through things under his bed. His room is actually cleaner then you'd expect it to be. There are only a few sweet wrappers on the floor and his bed isn't made. Looking over at his dresser (I still don't understand why he doesn't just have a wardrobe like a normal person. But then again LJ's not normal.) I see a few randomly scattered photo's on it. I nudge Masky and point my head over to the dresser. He sees them and speaks up "LJ you want some help? I mean you could've put them anywhere." LJ looks over and nods in appreciation before going back to looking under the bed.

Masky goes over to the odd shaped bookshelf in the top left hand corner that's against the wall and facing the bed (Which is a double bed and is against the wall in the top right hand corner) to check the draws randomly placed in it and I head to the dresser. When I enter the room the door clicks when it closes. I start to go through the draws and take a quick peek of the pictures scattered on top of the small wardrobe. They seem to be pictures of the current family for example, one is LJ killing a man in the woods. This must've been taken by Slender. I go to the only draw I haven't opened yet. Opening it reveals more photos that are face down. They have dates scribbled on the back with a black sharpie that seem to be from years ago, before any of us came to the mansion. I was about to pick it up when LJ stood in front of me and picked them up, hiding the pictures from my sight.

I slightly jumped when I saw from out of the corner of my eye that Masky was stood next to me. I hadn't even noticed he had moved. He must have moved to check the shelves filled with music boxes. I raise an eyebrow at LJ and even though he couldn't see it, he could clearly sense that I had. Masky had this aura of confusion coming off of him. "Why did you snatch those off me?" I asked him and could see a slight sweat forming on his pale white face. "I didn't want you to rip them! They're-um special to me...see?" He showed me a picture of Jeff yelling at BEN waving around that pink dildo. BEN was laughing his ass off and in the background the others were as well. "I have bad memory and I don't want to forget that time. It was really funny...." He told us. Hm. Good excuse LJ but not good enough. I saw that he had switched the first photo that was in the pile to one that was on the dresser so that he would show that photo.

I give a hesitant nod before asking him "While we're here I might as well ask, you wouldn't know anything about any of Slender's old proxies?" I see his eyes widen slightly in panic before he clears his throat and says in a calmer voice "No. They were always out doing missions so I never really got to see them..." Masky then asked "Why are you saying 'they' and 'them'?""Since they never took their mask off and wore baggy clothes, I could never tell if they were a girl or boy so I just call him or her them and they." LJ explains. Me and Masky nod in sync "Sorry to ask you a personal question but what was their name?" Masky questions. LJ seems to think for a second before scratching the back of his neck and saying "It's been so long that I can't remember anymore to be truthful..." with fake confusion and disappointment. A plain "Oh." falls out of Masky's mouth before we leave muttering a goodbye to LJ who returns it with his cheerful personality back. Hah. He must have thought he had fooled us. Well, not me.

Well...good luck to Slender, his brothers and LJ. Cause I'm going to find out who this past proxy was and what happened to them. And nothing and no one is going to stop me.


Hey guys! Back in Japan and I feel like Crap. All of us do. Like the plane ride there and back...*Shudders* Anyway! To anyone who had seen the picture it was fucking hilarious! Sorry that it changed but Orochi helped him hack into my phone and delete the pic. I thought he was on my side! Anyway.. I'll be updating less now because of school...sorry :(

I'll try to update often...

A Discarded Memory (M!Creepypasta x M!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now