"just spin the bottle max." i said impatiently.

"okay okay" he spun the bottle and it seems that fate wasn't on my side because the bottle landed on me.

"truth or dare lucy?"


"hmm, what's your biggest secret?" he asked.

i looked around the circle; chris seemed nervous, maxxie held a smirk, noah looked confused and cassie must have forgotten because she looked more cluless than noah.

"umm, i used to be depressed." not a complete lie. i did use to be depressed, i still am.

"anything else?" maxxie said, trying to get me to open up about my anorexia.

"you only get to ask one question max. my turn to spin the bottle"

i spun the bottle, hoping it would land on noah.

luckily for me it did.

"truth or dare noah?"


"why are you homophobic?" i asked, ignoring the glare i was receiving from chris.

"it's not that i hate gays, i don't, it's just the way i was raised. if someone i knew came out i wouldn't hate them, yes i may treat them a little differently but it wouldn't be on purpose. i'd do my best to accept them but i would never actually be gay myself. i don't think it's a choice though, you're born gay or you're born straight."

"i'm tired, i think i'm going to go home. seeya later guys" cassie said as she walked out of my room.

"bye cass" we all called out.

we sat in silence for a few seconds before i felt my phone vibrate meaning someone texted me.

from: chris

don't make it obvious im texting you. i think im gonna come out to them. should i?????? or should i keep quiet for a bit longer?????????

to: chris

why the sudden change of heart?

from: chris

noah isnt as hateful as i thought he was and i feel super confident right now.

to: chris

go ahead then!!!

"um guys, there's something i need to say..." chris said nervously.

i gave his hand a squeeze to calm him down a bit.

"what's up chris?" noah asked.

"i'm gay"

"but you kissed lucy earlier?" noah said, clearly confused.

"i wasn't out and would you have prefer it if i kissed you or maxxie instead" chris said.

"how long have you known?" noah asked.

"about seven years i think"

"and we're the first people you told?"

"yeah. well i told lucy on the day she broke up with maxxie"

"oh okay"

the room was filled with awkward tension before maxxie decided to speak up.

"so chris, is there anyone special?"

"i have a crush on someone, but i'm pretty sure he's straight and even a little bit homophobic so i haven't got a chance with him" chris said with a frown.

"i'm sure if you tried, maybe he'll change his mind about gays" noah said.

"i don't know..."

"what's the worst that can happen chris, sure there's the possibility that he'll turn you down but there's also a chance that he'll feel the same. maybe he uses his homophobia as a defense mechanism against his own feelings."

"i think that's my cue to leave. bye guys."

"later maxxie" i said.

i looked between chris and noah, knowing that they needed some time alone.

"i have to pee" i said awkwardly before leaving the room and shutting the door behind me.

i pressed my ear against it and waited for chris to tell noah how he feels.

"you know that crush i have" i heard chris say.


"you know him..."

"really? what's his name?"

"his name is noah."

"m-me noah?"

i heard nothing for a few seconds.

"thank fuck for that" i heard noah say.


"i like you chris. i like you as more than a friend. i don't think i'm fully gay because i still have an attraction towards girls, maybe i'm bi? anyway, i'm really fucking glad you feel the same."

the silence returned but this time it lasted longer. i began to get worried so i opened the door. i was greeted to the sight of noah hovering over chris as they enjoyed a heated make out session on my bed.

"can you not" i said, scaring noah which caused him to fall off my bed and land on the floor with a thump.

"i-i can explain lucy" noah said in a panicked voice as he stood up.

"explain what? you were in the closet and had a crush on chris, he came out and told you he had a crush on you then this happened. i'm not going to judge you noah"

"oh, thanks lucy"

"no problemo, but next time can you wait until you get to chris' room before you make out please"

"yeah sorry about that one"


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