she helps him

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It was now. The first day of work.

And I was already fucking late.

I quickly put on my black skirt and white shirt, the work uniform. I pushed the hair in a tight bun and left the room running as fast as I could upon those uncomfortable shoes.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Michael asked, taking breakfast calmly.

"I am going to work" I replied, trying to make the coffee as quickly as possible. I could not live without coffee. "By the way, you do not work?"

He rolled his eyes and continued to take his breakfast.

In the past weeks we had learned to tolerate eache other. Within the possible. He continues to leave things scattered around the house, and I continue complainning to him for that. I continue to occupy the whole cabinet in the bathroom with my stuff and he continues to take them there, hiding them and refusing to return until I promise that I will take up less space, but I never end up keeping the promise. And he continues to cry at night, and I keep hearing, wanting to intrude and help him, but afraid of his reaction. Afraid that he has the same reaction the last time.

"Shitty coffe machine, why does this take so fucking long doing a fucking coffee?"

"Bell, you you should seriously consider calm down" he said

"I can not, I have to be there in 15 minutes" I groaned

"Well, I assure you that you will not arrive there on time, at this hour is always immense traffic"

"God, this can not be happening to me" I said, taking up my hands in despair.

"You know ..." he began, as he played with his mug "I have a motorbike. You can get there in half the time" I opened my eyes and focused on him. "If you want, I can .."

"Michael, yes! Please!"

He got up and started walking towards the entrance "Are you coming?" He asked

"What, you're going like that?" I asked, watching his pajama shorts and a white T-shirt.

"Yes, now you come?"

I frantically nodded my head and quickly grabbed my suitcase. We went down to the garage and he handed me a helmet. Quickly I put it and went up to the bike, but with some difficulty, as I was wearing a skirt. He immediately began to accelerate, passing quickly by all the cara, overtaking traffic jams easily.

Quickly we got to the school, even with three minutes remaining. I got out of the bike and straightened my skirt.

"Thank you Michael!" I hugged him, even knowing that he would find it strange, and started walking as quickly as possible without seeming strange,

"Good morning, can I help you?" asked ayoung lad who was in the office.

"Good morning, my name is Bella Clarke today is my first day at work?"

"Ha yes, Bella Clarke. This your tablet with your name. We wanted you to stay in the office of the students. Okay?" I nodded, holding the small sign on my shirt and sitting down in the chair he indicated me. "Mary will be here to help you for the first time."

"OK thank you"

The day passed by and it was already time to go home. That's when I realized I had no money with me and I had not come by car.

Good shit, I thought, was it very bad if I asked Michael to come get me?

Having no other choice, I picked up the phone and called Michael.

"Yeah?" I heard in the other side of the line

"Michael? Um ... I do not have the car with me, no money and I was thinking that maybe could ..."

"Do you want me to get you?"

"Yes please," I replied hesitantly

"Why are you complicating? I'm already out" He hung up and I kept the phone, smiling.

In just a few minutes he came, and I went up for his motorbike.

"Thanks again Michael" I said, as we arrived home.

"It was no big deal. How was your day?"

I smiled and burst to speak, although he probably had only asked for courtesy and really did not want to hear an answer. Even so.


I turned once again in bed. I could not sleep knowing that Michael should be crying, it was already happening the last few nights. It just was strange for me to know that someone was sad and not helpilg. Today I could not hear much, but I knew he was crying. Every night was the same, and although he did not cry loudly, in fact I almost never heard anything, it was troublesome.

I wasconsidering seriously go to him and help him. Today he had been a sweetheart.

But what if he did the same as last time? A chill went through my body remembering that.

Still, I got up and went up to his room. I opened the door slowly and sat beside him in bed.


"I came to help you, or at least keep you company, but if you're yelling at me I will go out"

"No, please," he said quickly

"Do not worry, I'm not leaving if you do not want"

He wiped his tears with the sweater sleeves and sighed. "Why am I so weak?" He asked in a whisper.

"We are all, when someone touchs on our most sensitive point" I said, "Everybody can break"

"But it looks like I'll be broke forever"

"Everybody can be repaired" I said "They just need only a little of help." I approached him a little more.

"I can not be repaired. I tried it all before, and it only makes it worse"

"Do not think so, I'll help you, I promise."

He hugged me in one swift movement. I could feel his hot breath in my neck, tears falling into my skin. I wrapped my arms around him and stayed like that for some time.

"Stay with me this night please" he asked, almost pleading

"Okay" I said. I lay down on his bed, still half embraced. He pulled me closer to him, and I landed my head on his chest. Michael's hand moved slightly in my hair, which was quite relaxing. I fell asleep cradled in his arms.

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