A Crowded Place

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c h a p t e r

The next day we had to leave, Alpha Lyon already left without us. Chad and I kept on talking until we made it to out private plane.

"Bye! I'll visit if I can!" I yelled while waving at the two couple, Joanna and Gregory.

I got in the plane and quickly sat down to the seat near the window. I waved at the couple again until I felt Chad sit next to me. "I wonder where are we going next?" I asked.

"You aren't coming with us anymore." Delta Charles suddenly said behind us. I turned around to face him and frowned, "Why?"

"Alpha had decided to take you home, besides you have to attend the neighboring pack's roasting."

"But my two months aren't done yet!"

Chad cleared his throat, telling me to respect. I bowed down in submission, half anger. "Believe me, it actually is. We extended a bit, since the luna isn't found yet."

"Damn." I muttered, sitting back down as I crossed my arms in distress. I didn't knew why I was angry.

Maybe it's because you're leaving without Alpha Lyon?

Shut up wolf.

"Okay, we're taking off. Did anyone left something?" Someone said from the front, I didn't replay, but I just though that yes, we left someone, our alpha.

"What neighboring pack are we visiting?" Chad asked.

I didn't hear Delta Charles' replay, but I just looked out from the window and sighed.

(• • •)


"Hey Katy." I was embraced by a warm bear hug by my friend who was squealing nonstop.

"How was traveling?!" She asked in excitement. I was about to replay when Chad came, "It was good, thanks for asking. She enjoyed her time."

"I'm glad you did Ella, I mean living in the woods isn't the best thing in the whole world," she pulled away and sniffled, "I'm so proud of you."

I rolled my eyes and patted her back.

"Everyone inside, the perimeters are closing."

"But aren't we suppose to have a BBQ with the neighboring pack?" I asked Delta Charles, who just shook me hair away and nodded. "Yes, but that's happening tomorrow night. Let's get some rest for today."

I nodded along with the others and got inside the mansion.

"Where's the alpha?" Katy asked, I shrugged. "He extended his search."

"Aw, I was hoping he'll find her sooner, we need our luna, it's been 5 years." Same word as Chad's.

(• • •)

"I keep forgetting, dammit!" I cursed to myself as I started to pack my things.

We don't have enough time, let's leave while we can.

Three months isn't up yet. Where are we suppose to go? Wolfy said.

I know where we can hide. I just hadn't thought about it.

Please tell me this is going to be an hotel... Angie said.

It is, but you aren't gonna like which hotel.

How do you know places when you haven't even gone out.

Trust me guys, this one is where I can only suggest.

Finally, grabbing the last thing I need, I zipped close my duffle bag.

But what about our friends? Angie's question made me stop.

She's right. I can't leave then. But I need to finish this once in for all.

Maybe we can come back sometime. I said, which saddened both of them.

I sighed and checked the time before finally and quietly walking out the door. Going through the window can cause problems. I say this from experience.

Walking down the hallway, I took silent steps on the stairs and passed through the dining room.

I saw two large doors and sighed, I took one step.

"Stop." A loud booming voice startled me, I gasped and stopped.

"Where are you going Brielle?" I bit my lip and turned to see Chad with his arms crossed.

"Brielle?" Katy stepped from behind Chad and stared at me in worry. "Where are you going?"

I gulped and stared at my two best friends.

They have been the only people who opened up to me, they helped, cared, and loved me. I returned the favor, but I was hoping one day that they wouldn't see me like this: vulnerable.

Hunting down the Snake Siblings have been in one of my top priorities, and it was to protect the world from the problems I've caused.

Those two snakes ruined my life, they killed the only people I loved.

And now that my friends stood before me, what the fuck am I suppose to do?

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