Why not?

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c h a p t e r

When I came back to my room, I closed the door behind me before sliding down to the ground with my back on the door. I took deep shaky breaths, still feeling weak after what had happened. Slowly, I reached for my eyes and started crying.

Why do I feel different around him?

Why do I suddenly feel... strange?

It's like I was strangled by my own life. I held on my chest for dear life, I started breathing faster. My hearts started hammering faster. I closed my eyes and clutched on my chest, calm.

Think of Mariam. Think of Mariam. Think of Mariam. Think of Mariam.

Darkness consumed me.

(• • •)

I woke up with someone lightly knocking on my door, "Brielle? Breakfast." I groaned and stood up from the floor, feeling my head ache. I sighed and mumbled, "I'll be out, lemme just change."

"Okay honey, don't rush too much." I then heard her footsteps fade. I walked towards the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Suddenly, I remembered what had happened last night. I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror.

Jest? Have you ever wondered... oh I don't know, taking that necklace off? That's a good question Angie.

Should I take it off?

What?! No! Jest don't, you know how this necklace has been protecting us for so long.

I frowned, exactly how does it protect us?

Yeah, aren't you curious Wolfy?

I hear my wolf sigh, just trust me, don't question safety. I shrugged and continued brushing my teeth.

After doing my morning routine, I went to eat breakfast. I was greeted by everyone who patted my back, smiled, waved, and shook my hand. I smiled politely, feeling happy and somewhat proud to see these pack members welcoming me openly. I should welcome them back too, right?

Don't get too close Jest, you know you can't stay long.

I sighed, they're right, I can't stay long. But why not get something we should deserve in the first place?

I walked in the dining room and sat next to Katie who greeted me and started talking about Chad being gross wanting to go out with Tina. I chuckled, Katie said something about Chad asking for advice. I shook my head with a smile, so that was what he wanted to ask before alpha interrupted us. How cute of him!

I'm just worried though, what if everything turns out bad at the end? I mean, what if they find their mates? It's bad, but sometimes we have to face the consequences we have to face in order to accept the challenge.

I ate quietly while listening carefully at Katie's rants. When I hear the doors open, everyone became silent when the alpha entered the room. I looked down on my food, avoiding his gaze.

"Oh yeah, he's spending his last breakfast with us, I remembered that he was suppose to visit every pack for two months, we all need our luna." I gulped at the mention of him finding a mate.

I felt greedy at the feeling of him being with someone.

Snap out of it Majestic! He's not yours! He's not yours! He. Is. Not. Yours!

Eating my breakfast quietly, I didn't look up at his intense gaze burning on the side of my head. I finally finished and excused myself to Katie while walking out, but I accidentally bumped into someone. I looked at the person and saw Sasha blinking at me, she surprisingly smiles before walking past me. I gaped and shook my head, wow.

I made it to the living room, I sat down on the couch while watching Cartoon Network. Neat, I love this! And I've only watched this just three days ago! I watched at the sight of this series starting, Steven Universe. I was bedazzled and focused as I watched on the episode.

I was watching when suddenly someone blocked the Tv. I jumped a little and looked at Alpha Lyon.

Why does he always keep popping nowhere?!

I looked down when he suddenly sat next to me. Everyone scrambled out of the living room, closing the door behind them. I gulped and nervously stood up, but he grabbed me and sat me down firmly.

"I want you to come with me."

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