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c h a p t e r

I gasped.

I stared at him, wide eyed. I was shocked to see him, surprised. He looked even more beautiful up close.

But I noticed something in his eyes, he looked... angry. I gulped and took a step back, he growled and grabbed my waist. I whimpered, scared.

His gaze soften, reaching for my hair. He pulled a strand behind me ear and stared in confusion... and hesitation. "Alpha?" He didn't look away when someone had called him.

He was alpha. What did he want? Why do I feel... something towards him? Like a... like... I couldn't even describe it. What was it?

Then, he looked down, his eyes flashing before he looked at me again. The next thing I knew, I felt a small sting on my neck and everything became blurry.

That bastard, he shot us with a tranquilizer! My angel screamed, but it felt like she was screaming with someone blocking her mouth.

And I knew then... we were definitely screwed.

(• • •)


I screamed, banging on the hard metal things, the guards around me said it was made out of silver. Clearly without crystal, I meant it would've affect me. I growled, bang harder on the steel as I glared at the two men guarding me.

"No can do sweetie, alpha needs you here until he figure out his messed up wits." Bastard 1 said, smirking. I snarled at them.

Bastard 2 nudged him, hard, "And alpha also ordered us not to talk to her." Bastard 1 rolled his eyes and looked away. Cowards. "Hey! I'm not done with you!" I grabbed onto the metals and started shaking them. "LET ME OUT!" I screamed in anger. I can't believe they locked me up here!

I finally stopped after a few long hours and just sat at the dusty soft thing that was hanging on a wall. I saw they visibly relax when I calmly went back to my bed, I glared at them, knowing words weren't going to let me go.

Then I guess I'll just use actions. I looked around the grey painted walls, looking for some source of... thing that can get me out of here. I mentally groaned when I found no roots of plants anywhere, or even water around. I can breathe fire, of course, I can burn down these whole goddamn building. But... it'll hurt a lot of people. And besides, using too much energy can weaken me. Sometimes I can't even control it better, because whenever I'm angry it takes advantage of me. Something'll control my body and... I'll just go out of control. It's too risky and dangerous.

I sighed and slouched with my head down, how am going to get out of here. It been... 17 hours? I don't know.

When I heard the sound of metals banging, I looked up and saw someone had entered and approached the two men. "Did she give you a hard time?" Bastard 2 snorted while Bastard 1 chuckled and nodded. I glared at them and looked away. "Alpha wants her chained up and brought to the meeting room, the counsel's here."

When I hear something open, I looked at the metals opening and saw them approaching with dozen of chains. Wow, did they thought I was some kind of a beast that'll transform and wildly kill everyone. I'm not a savage person people.

They grabbed my arm but I quickly pulled it away like I was burnt by them, they growled and forcefully wrapped me with chains and other things. I hate these people.

The man that had just entered grabbed a small bag and shoved my head in it. "We don't want you escaping now, do we?" I snarled under the bag and I just heard them laugh.

Can't they just treat me like a lady and not a rogue?

Well, you technically are. My wolf said, I sighed and ignored her.

And I changed a little bit of appearance. I widen my eyes, what? When?

Ever since we were chased off by Yang, Angie answered. So... that explains why nobody was entranced. Not to be boastful of anything but being half angel and half werewolf has a lot of credits, sometimes it's bad but it's also good. You'll see the beauty out of it. I just think it's too much to look like something more than just a beautiful creature.

When we started walking, I got ready for what was about to come.

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