Happily Ever After

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Once upon a time there
Was a boy
Who fell in love with a girl
And they did the strangest things-
from catching colds in monsoon,
To kissing in the rain.

But they weathered storms together,
And sometimes, it felt like they would drown.
But with each other's breath,
They found their way to happiness,
And lived happily ever after.
Once there was a girl
Who fell in love with a boy
Who used to read her
this bed time story.

They weathered storms together.
She drowned until she lost her breath.
She tried to find him underwater.
Little did she knew,
He know so well how to swim away.

She used to believe in happily ever afters
Until she realized he wasn't real.
Everything is just his bedtime story
Meant to make her fall asleep and dream.

One day,
She decided to wake up.
And this is how,
This is how their story ended.

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