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Distance is the thorn that stabs those beating hearts,

Like a diatomic molecule that can't exist in two parts.

Millions of miles can't destroy the sun's passionate heat,

Love still flames in its thorny rose when their lips meet.
Distance, like the space between my fingers and yours,

A word with eight letters, yet such an incredible force.

We might lose days if we count how far,

But my heart will always be near, like a moon to a star.
Distance, like the space between my fingers too,

Which your fingers would so perfectly fit into.

And no more would we ever have to be apart,

Distance can't separate two halves of one heart.
So let me defy Distance and hold your hands,

Meet me somewhere in between these faraway lands.

Tell me you love me and make me feel something grand,

Forever I'll be with you, beside you I'll always stand.

He said She saidTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon