Female Wolf: I'm third in command.

Me: I figured.

Female Wolf: What's your name?

Me: Why? Going to attack me?

Female Wolf: No, I'm just curious.

Me: Then I guess you'll have to find out the hard way.

Female Wolf: Fine, play it that way then. I'll see you around spunky.

The female beta wolf takes off running in the woods again. I quickly lose sight of her then turn around. This time I'm not so thrilled. Standing in front of me is a big red wolf that almost looked like the female wolf I just encountered. Only this one didn't look so forgiving.

I put up my mind block again so this wolf can't read my mind. But that's when I remember something my mother once told me when she was still alive.

Xera: Sweetie, there are these things in life called your mate.

I remember blushing like crazy when she said the word mate. I mean, it was such a powerful word and shouldn't be tossed around lightly. It's your mate for petes sake.

Me: How will I know when I find her?

Xera: You'll feel at ease and relaxed. But you probably won't notice. It's easier to find them when you're in your wolf form and you'll know for sure when you kiss them. The whole world will disappear and you will feel like you're on cloud 9.

My dad walked into my room and kissed my mom on the cheek.

Robby: What are you guys talking about?

Me: Mom's telling me about mates and when we know if we find them.

Robby: Well, you can tell easily by if they can mind link with you.

Then that's when I realized that my mate was just within my reach and I didn't realize it until too late.

Female Wolf: Fine, play it that way then. I'll see you around spunky.

I realized that I would see her again. She realized that we were mates. Why didn't she say anything?

I would've thought about it more if I didn't see a pair of jaws come flying at me. Then the thought flew through my mind. "Rogue."


Dylan's P.O.V.

I woke up this morning with a bad feeling in my gut. I try to shake it off by taking a shower. It didn't really work much so I decided to feed my growling stomach. I had to go to school again today so I couldn't go see Tegan and Tessie until after school. I walk in the kitchen and immediately hear my parents talking about rogues that have been coming into our territory. I never really thought too much on the whole "rogue" topic. It was unwanted stress. I grabbed an apple out of the fruit bowl on the counter.

Mom: You really need to eat more than that.

Me: I would if I had more time. I slept in again.

Dad: Well have a good day at school son. Do you want me to take you? I already have to take your sister.

Me: No, I'm going to run. My wolf needs to get out for a bit.

Mom: Well okay, be careful.

Me: You too.

I run out of the door in the kitchen and run into the woods. I strip all my clothes off and stick them in my backpack then zip it up. I transform into my big gray wolf and pick up my bag. I take off running in the direction of school, but that bad feeling comes back. Only this time, along with the bad feeling is the scent of blood and a couple wolves whose scents I don't recognize. My parents were just talking about rogues so maybe that's what the smell is. Maybe I should stay away. I get that nagging feeling again so I decide to say screw it and check it out. I start running towards the place I smell blood, and let me tell you. It's overwhelming. I think there's enough to drain a wolf of their life.

The Return to Black Woods (Dragons vs. Wolves: Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now