Chapter 5- Even more surprises

Start from the beginning

“No shit. I mean shizz! And you’re old enough, you know what I meant!”

“We just like sassing ya, dad.”

“You better be sassing,” I mumbled. “Anyways, anyone want to show something other than porn?”

“That was not porn!”

“Not for adults, but I draw the line for 11 year olds.”

“We were just joking around.”

“Yeah, yeah. Anyone? Seriously, tell a joke, rip a big one, punch someone in the face, anything!”

  Emily stood up, punched a girl in the face, and sat back down.

“I didn’t mean literally!”

“Whatever. She deserves it.”


“She’s a bitch that likes to bully people.”

“That’s still no excuse! But whatever. This is your one and only warning! Anyone?”

“I have a joke,” Denver said.

“Go ahead.”

“Knock knock.”

“Who’s there?”


“Daisy who?”

“Daisy me rollin’, they hatin!” That was actually funny.

“I like that. That was a good knock knock joke. Anyone else?” No one said a word. “I guess I’ll go. I need 4 more people, and the couch. Volunteers?” Ross, Jessica, Emily and Denver raised their hands. They all stood up. “Ross, Jessica, grab the couch and bring it over here. Emily, Denver. Grab two pieces of paper each. Write 4 different categories on them. Then bring them to me. Got it?” They nodded. “Good.”

I decided to do “Spin the Harry”, but with Ross, Jessica, Denver and Emily, instead of Liam, Harry, Niall and Zayn.

“Good. Who wants to be spun? And I mean you roll around on the couch.” Ross raised his hand. “Who wants to spin him?” Jessica raised her hand, of course. “Ok. I will write out 3 questions for each category. Whichever one Ross stops on, is the category for this round. You will answer the questions truthfully. Understand.”



“Good. In three, two, one! Hello! I’m Louis, the “Tommo”, Tomlinson, the host of Spin The Ross! Today we have Emily and Denver! They will answer the questions, and whoever loses, will get a banana in their face. Are you ready? Then, SPIN THE ROSS!”

“The category is, FANTASIES!” Jessica yelled.

“The first question is, if you could have one member of the class to be your slave, who would it be and what would you make them do?” Ross asked.


“I’d make Danielle my slave and make her be my Nutella supplier.”

“I’d chose Zach and make him play against me in Xbox.”

“And that point goes to, it doesn’t go to you.” I point at Denver. “It goes to Emily.”

“If you had been granted three wishes, what would you wish for?”


“I would wish for Nutella, more Nutella, and to marry Dylan Mahone.”


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