Ch.6 "Okay. What Should We Do Now?"

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Stiles and Derek walked up to the fireplace. Derek smiled at the picture. Poor Stiles was just a little too short so Derek pulled Stiles onto his back. Stiles blushed at the picture and rested his chin gently on Derek shoulder. Derek smiled at Stiles before turning to the kitchen.

"Hey, mama? Can we go to the photo store in town a make a copy for me and Stiles?" Derek asked walking into the kitchen.

"Sure Derek. Just let me get dressed and we'll head out. Go tell your sisters we're leaving for a bit." Talia told Derek. He nodded and halled Stiles up the stairs to Cora's room where her and Laura were giggling.

"Hey, me mom and Stiles are heading out for a bit. Peter might come. I don't know. Okay?" Derek said and headed to his room after getting a nod from Laura. Derek set Stiles on the bed, grabbed Stiles' convers and his nikes. Stiles pulled on his red shoes as Derek slipped into his black ones. Stiles pulled on the coat he wear yesterday as did Derek after putting a shirt on. They grabbed hands with a smile and headed down to the living room. Talia soon walked down from her room and they headed for the car.

"Oh. Wait!" Stiles said running back inside, jumping to get the picture and running back out to he car. "Can't forget this!" Stiles said half out if breath. Talia buckled the boys in the back before climbing in the driver seat. She buckled and started the car. She cheered when it started up. The drove down the road, out onto the main road and into town.

They reached the photo store. It was an old place bound to shut down in a few years. They climbed out of the car and walked into the store.

"Hey, Tim! Can you make me two copies if this picture?" Talia asked the clerk, pulling the Polaroid out of the frame for him.

"Sure thing Talia!" Tim said taking the picture and going to a machine in the back. Stiles walk up the a rack that had post cards on it.

"If you go anywhere. Send me one first." Talia said to Stiles with a smile. Stiles smiled back.

"How about the second. I'm sending Derek one first." Stiles smiled walking back over to them. Derek giggled.

"You won't need to. I'll be with you." Derek smiled taking Stiles' hand. Stiles smiled at Derek taking a step closer to him.

"Okay here you go Talia. That will be twenty-five, thirty-two" Tim said handing Talia the pictures. Talia nodded and handed his a fifty.

"Keep the change." She said as they walked back to the car. Talia handed the boys the picture as they got in the car. They buckled in, Talia started the car and they drove back to the house.

As soon as the boys got out they took their pictures and ran for the bedroom. Talia giggled at their excitement.

"How cute" Peter said as they all came inside. Peter took the Polaroid, reframed it and put it back on the fireplace. "Perfect" he whispered.

Stiles put his picture in his suitcase and Derek put his in a frame on his nightstand. Derek laid back on his bed after taking off his coat.

"Uh. . . D-Derek?" Stiles said muffled by the sweatshirt and coat stuck on his head. Derek hummed looking over at Stiles before giggling and getting off his bed to help him. Derek grabbed the zipper of the coat and pulled down. He removed the coat and pulled sweatshirt back over Stiles' head.

"There you go. You should use the zippers next time. They are there for a reason." Derek chuckled. Stiles nodded his head turning a little pink at the fact that he is six and still needs help getting dressed. Stiles jumped at Derek trying to tackle him down. Derek just grabbed a hold of Stiles and falling back onto his bed. Stiles laughed as Derek tickled him, laughing too.

"Knock, knock?" Peter said smiling at the boys. Derek stopped tickling Stiles and helped him to sit up.

"Yeah Peter?" Derek asked, a smile still on his face as he slowly came down from his high. Stiles doing the same breathing heavy and all.

"Your mom, Laura and I are gonna go shopping for Christmas presents. We need you boys to watch Cora. Mainly you Derek. You are oldest." Peter explained. Derek nodded with a smile. Peter nodded and walked out to the living room. Derek climbed off the bed with Stiles. He grabbed Stiles' hand as they walked downstairs to the living room.

"Okay, Derek. I'm trusting you with this. Cora is bound to fall asleep. Her nap is coming up. You boy be careful. Don't go outside. Don't answer the door or the phone unless we call. Okay? Basic rules." Talia explains giving Derek and Cora a hug and kiss. "We'll be back soon. Oh and microwave foods only. Love you." Talia says before leaving. Cora, Stiles and Derek walk upstairs after Derek locked the door.

"I'm gonna go. . . take a nap." Cora yawns walking into her room. Derek nods and walks in to his room with Stiles. They climbed up onto the bed.

"Okay. What should we do now?"

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