Ch.3 "You Shouldn't Lie. People Stop Trusting You When You Lie."

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"Stiles! Derek! Come Down Stairs! We Have A Supprise For You!" Talia yelled up to the boys from the bottom of the stairs. Stiles quickly turned toward the door a little jumpy from being really close to Derek. Derek smiled at Stiles, grabbing a hold of his hand, intertwining their fingers and leading him down the stairs. Stiles turned pink and followed Derek down to the living room.

"What is it mama- LAURA!" Derek dropped Stiles hand a ran toward his sister, who was away in the army. Stiles hoped for a second that his dad would be there but instead he wasn't.

"Boys we plan to go out and pick our tree. Derek I know your gonna come but Stiles you can go if you want to. Peter and Cora went out to get the boards, nails and decorations for the tree." Talia said looking to Stiles for a moment before joining the hug Laura and Derek were having. Stiles smiled at their happiness and frowned at the thought of his family. Stiles sighed but forced a smiled when they, Talia, Derek and Laura, looked at him.

"No it's okay. I don't wanna go out in the cold. I get sick easy" Stiles lied. He loved the outside and the cold. But he needs some time to himself at the moment. Stiles frowned at himself and started up the stairs.

"Are you sure? We could bondle you up like a cute little ball?" Laura suggested. Stiles giggled at the thought of him a big ol'ball.

"No it's okay. I should rest some. I'm tired." Stiles lied again. He knew he wasn't gonna sleep. He was just gonna end up watching them disappear into the wood and start crying in the corner.

"Okay then. Derek go get ready!" Laura said. Stiles started up the stairs again when Derek grabbed his hand and pulled him along going much faster then him. Derek was smiling making Stiles smile the same. Derek pushed Stiles into the room and closed the door.

"You know what we are right?" Derek said walkin to the closet grabbing his coat. Stiles sat on the bed and petted the stuffed wolf.

"Yeah. You guys are werewolves." Stiles frowned as he turned to face Derek.

"Then you know we could tell you were lying. Right?" Derek frowned walking over to sit next to Stiles as he pulled on his snowboots. Stiles sighed looking down at his feet as he swung the off the eadge of the bed.

"I do now" Stiles frowned, looking to Derek when he stopped moving.

"Come with us Stiles. It'll be fun." Derek smiled small at him placing his hand on Stiles'. Stiles looked to their hands before getting up and going to the window holding his arms.

"No. I'll stay. I-its too cold." Stiles' voice was shakey. He really wanted to go but he just needed some Stiles time. If he wanted it or not. He needed it. Derek stood up, sighed and walked out of the room closing the door behind him. Stiles turned around and burst into tears as he slid down the wall, holding his head. "stupid, Stupid, STUPID!" he mumbled to himself. Derek stood outside the door, wanting to go in the room and comfort Stiles but his mom called him.

Stiles sat there until he heard the door close. He slowly got up, walked over to the bed, grabbed the stuffed wolf and walked to the window. Stiles looked out, saw Laura marching in front with a net, Talia behind her carrying the axe and no Derek. Where was he? Stiles sniffled slowly turning towards the door to see Derek standing in the doorway frowning.

"You shouldn't lie. People stop trust you when you lie. . . you could get addicted to it. Its not good." Derek said hanging up his coat and pulling off his boots. Derek's eyebrows were low making him look mad with his frown. Stiles was still in front of the window holding the stuffed wolf. When Stiles realized he was holding something that wasn't his without asking he jumped a bit before placing the stuffed wolf back on the bed.
Derek started walking towards Stiles. He noticed Stiles' heartbeat speed up as he got closer. Stiles backed into the wall.

"I'm s-sorry. I didn't want you to feel b-bad." Stiles stuttered when Derek kept getting closer. Derek stopped and looked out the window. A smile appeared on his face before he looked back at Stiles and grabbed his hand. Stiles gasped when Derek pulled him toward the closet. "W-what are you-" Stiles started.

"We are going outside to get a tree" Derek said pulling out two coats and an older pear of his snowboots. "These should fit right?" Derek asked giving the boots to Stiles. They sat on the bed as they pulled on the boots before putting on the coats. Derek took Stiles' hand and lead him down the stairs and out into the woods.

Stiles smiled breathing in the cold air he loved. Derek stopped and sniffed the air. "This way!" he said leading off in a direcrion, Stiles following behind.

TREE HUNTING! I love it! Okay so in some of these future chapters (I already have written) will start to unrealate to Christmas because I sorta for got. When is started this it was December 20 2015. Yeah not to far behind us but I stopped a few days before Christmas because of my other Christmas story. Go check it out. Its called Chrismas List (STEREK) yes it's Sterek what else would you expect. So yeah. Stay Fly My Poptarts!

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