Ch.4 "Hold On. . . I Need A Picture Of This."

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Stiles and Derek soon reached Talia and Laura. They were just about to chop down the tree they chose when Stiles found a cute, chubbie little one. It was 5" tall and at least 4" wide. Talia and Laura love how cute it was. So Talia chopped it down and Laura wrapped the net around it as they halled it off to the house. Derek grabbed Stiles hand as the walked, intertwining their fingers as well.

They reached the house at The same time as Peter and Cora did. Peter helped with the tree while Derek and Stiles helped Cora with the decorations and tree supplies.

After they decorated the tree and laughing while eating dinner they all huddled up in the living room and picked out a Christmas movie. Cora wanted 'White Christmas' with Laura. Peter and Talia chose 'It's A Wonderful Life'. When Stiles wanted ' The Polar Express'. Derek chose it with him and sense Stiles was a gest they desided they'd watch that one tonight and chose one of the others for tomorrow night.

Talia made some hot coca while Peter sat in a reclining chair. Cora slowly falling asleep in Laura's lap on the floor leaving the last chair for Talia. Stiles and Derek sitting on the couch next to one another. Talia came out with the coca and everyone grabbed a cup except for Cora she was so out.

The movie was slowly approaching the end when Stiles started daizzing. Derek had a hold of his hand from the start. Stiles' head found it's way to Derek's shoulder as Stiles fell asleep. Derek smiled resting his head lightly on Stiles' as he fell asleep. The movie ended and Talia shut off the TV.

"Sleep with Cora tonight Laura?" Talia asked her eldest as she put the movie back and grabbed the mugs. Laura smiles nodding her head as she got up with Cora in her arms. Laura walked up the stairs and into her room sense her bed was bigger then Coras'.

"I'll help you carry the boys up to bed." Peter offered when Talia came back from the kitchen. She walked around to the front of the couch and admired the two sleeping sweetly.

"Hold on. . . I need a picture of this." Talia said grabbing the Polaroid from the shelf. She snapped a picture of the two. They were holding hands, Stiles' head on Derek's shoulder and Derek's head on top of Stiles'. "Okay. Now let's get them up to bed." Talia whispered, setting down the Polaroid and the picture before reaching for Stiles. Peter grabbed Derek and the two carried them up to the room. Peter set Derek on the bed while Talia tried to undress Stiles on the floor.

"Here I'll hold him." Peter offered as he lifted Stiles up. Talia smiled a 'thank you' and pulled Stiles' jeans off and replacing them with soft pajama pants. "Just leave his shirt off. Its gonna get hot in the bed with him." Peter said motioning to Derek on the bed. Talia nodded taking Stiles from Peter and placing him next to Derek. Peter pulled Derek up as they started to undress and redress him. They left his shirt off as well, turning down the heat in the room a bit before leaving.

Stiles cuddled the stuffed wolf close while Derek snuggled him just as close. Mid-night rolls around and Derek wakes to a squealing Stiles.

"MOM! DAD! NO! DON'T LEAVE ME C-COME BACK!" Stiles shreaked kicking at Derek. He sat up and nudged Stiles' arm.

"Stiles, Stiles. Your dreaming wake up. Stiles." Derek said. Stiles gasped awake, tears falling from his eyes. Derek pulled Stiles close. "Its okay. It was a nightmare. Your okay. They're okay. We're okay." Derek calmed him. Derek heard the door open and he looked up to see a tired, worried Peter.

"Is everything okay?" Peter asked walking into the room and sitting on the end of the bed. Derek nodded with a small smile as Stiles sat up looking at Peter.

"Did I wake you? I'm sorry. . . I-I was just dreaming." Stiles said, sad he might be in trouble. There was a creaking of floor board and Laura took a step in.

"Is everything okay?" she asked. Peter nodded to her.

"Yes, Stiles just had a bad dream go back to sleep." Peter said and Laura nodded walking back to Cora's room across the hall. Peter turned back to the boys seeing Stiles falling back to sleep on Derek. "Okay. Now you boys get some sleep. I'm just be next door if you need anything." Peter offered as he got up and closed the door after leaving the room.

Derek laid Stiles down, off of him, laying down himself and pulling Stiles close. Breathing out a 'good-night' before falling asleep again. Stiles and Derek slept well the rest of the night till morning.

"Derek. . . Derek. . . Derek wake up" Stiles whispered from underneath the sleeping Derek. He moaned and rolled off of Stiles, the sunlight instantly blinding him.

"Ahh, come on. Why can't I sleep?" Derek begged the light. Slowly opening his eyes, he leaped from the bed and closed the curtains "No! I'm not ready to wake!" Derek snapped at the Sun. He fell back on the bed smiling at the sound of Stiles' sweet addicting laugh.

"Wake up silly!"

The Stuffed WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora