Chapter 7

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(that's the accident poor Zoe's mum rip)

*Zoe's dream*

I look over and I see mom she's laughing and having a good time,I laugh with her that I don't remember the joke or whatever but she was happy so that made me happy. With in a blink of an eye we are in the car i look over I see something hit us.

"Mom watch out!"

Then we flipped. not once not twice but three times, we were upside down.  I call out to mom panting "Hey mom you okay?"

no answer.

I looked over shes dead, her body just hanged, I start to cry and screaming "Mom how can you leave me like this! This is all my fault!"

I felt hands grab me out the car, pulling me out, they take mom out. the arms took me another direction from mom. I try to pull away from the hands and tugged myself to go towards mom.I kept crying. I heard faint words,

"Zoe wake up! It's okay!"

*end of dream*

I wake up, I'm sweating, I can't breath its to hard. I open my eye's barely seeing Tony's face. I gasp for more air moving my hair out of my face. 

"I'll be right back,I'm gonna get you a cold rag." Tony says with worry in his voice. Jogging to the bathroom.

I finally catch my breath. Moving the blanket off of me, sitting up. I still see my lifeless mom in the car. I kept looking down on the ground recapping what just happened. Tony comes back lifting my head up and putting the cold rag on my forehead. I sigh in relief.

"Better?" Tony said still concerned about me.

I softly spoke "Yeah thank you Tony."

"Anything for you Zoe." He gives me a small smile.

"what time is it even?" 

He looks at his phone "Um 3 am"

I sigh "It looked so real Tony.."

He sits next to me still holding the rag to my forehead "Um I know it all just happened but what happened.."

I took in a deep breath mine as well tell him " It was my mom and I we were some where at first then a blink of an eye we were in the car, I looked over and we got hit...I don't even know what hit us b-but it was bad we flipped several time till we stopped. I saw my mom dead in her seat so pale..they took me away from her..then you woke me up."

He looks so sad too like he felt bad, "I'm sorry Zoe..that sucks a lot." 

I nod, "I'm so afraid to sleep now what happens if it happens again,I don't want to see it again."

Tony thinks "How about..I lay down with you till you fall asleep, then I will leave and let you rest.."

I nod, he takes the rag back to the bathroom then comes back. We lay down looking at each other 

he spoke up "remember when you had a nightmare you came over to my house I gave you my bed and I slept on my floor."

He chuckles, I smile "Yeah but you always found a way to lay down with old were we when this happened?"

"I think like 14 to 15" He smiles back.

"Oh yeah! Remember that one time we always hung out at the park but older kids picked on us so we just left like chickens and you always talked smack saying how you could take those guys." I chuckle lightly.

"I could totally take those guys but you always hold me back."

I roll my eyes "Sure Tone."

I yawn, closing my eyes  mumbling a good night to Tony,

faintly hearing "Remember the time I fell in love-"

then I was out cold not hearing the last part Tony said.

(something short and sweet yeah? put it in a lighter note )

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