Always Had A Thing For Bad Boys [A Draco Malfoy Love Story] (17)

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okay i said this was going to be super sad. well i lied.  its gunna be sad but not super sad. XP. oh btw this dedication is for Kristina! she literally made me right this.  literally. she said she would xplode if i didn't i gotta admit i did kind of want to see her explode but here ya go!!  hehehe enjoy!!!

Chapter Seventeen:

**Harry's POV**

She's gone.  Sam was really gone.  Sam....the girl who I loved, broke her heart, loved again, and broked her heart once again.  Sam was gone.  The girl who I loved, and still do.  Sam, the girl who would hug me when I was deep in thought.  Sam, the girl who would kiss me when I seemed upset.  Sam, the girl who could bright up an entire room just by smiling.  Sam, the girl who would comfort me when I needed someone.  Sam, the girl who I fell absolutely in love with.  Sam, the girl who was dead.  All because of Malfoy.

"Harry.  Harry!!" Hermione shouted. I was sitting on a rock.  We were lost.  We didn't know where we were going.  I wanted to go back to Sam.  I wanted to hold her and never let her go ever again.  I shouldn't have done that to her back then in Hogwarts.  I should have been her knight in shining armor no matter how messed up the situation was.  I wanted to, and I should have.  But I didn't.  And now she was dead.

"Harry!!" Hermione shouted louder.  I turned my head towards her slowly.  My eyes were starting to water and my vision was blurry.  Hermione looked at me sadly.  Tears were in her eyes too.  Hermione's brownish blondish curls were messy and tangled.  She gave me a comforting hug.  Ron soon joined us and gave me a hug from my left.

"Harry, you can't dwell on this.  Sam wouldn't have wanted you to" Hermione said.

"Malfoy needs to pay for what he did Hermione!  He killed her!  She shouldn't have been with him she should have been with me!  If it wasn't for me leaving her and breaking her heart Malfoy wouldn't have had to pick up the pieces and she wouldn't have grown so attached to him!  If it wasn't for me leaving her she would still be alive!!" I said starting to cry.

"Harry it's not your fault she's gone" Hermione said.

"Hermione's right.  Harry you couldn't have prevented this.  You would have had to leave her anyway.  You wouldn't let her come on this dangerous misson" Ron said. 

"You guys are right.  It's not my fault.  It's Malfoy's" I said clenching my fists.  Clouds were swirling around in the sky.  It looked like it was about to rain again.  The smell of dirt and rain was thick in the air.  You couldn't hear any sound besides us.  The birds were quiet, the animals were silent.  There was no sound besides our own.

"I'm going to make him pay.  I don't care if I die.  Sam deserves vengance!" I said standing up.

"Harry no!  Sam wouldn't want us to be sad.  She would want us to do what's right.  And what's right is to find the Horcruxes and destroy them so we can defeat Voldermort" Hermione said.  Ron flinched at his name.

"Ron there's no point in being afraid of him.  The more fear you portray the more power he has against everyone" Hermione said.

A gentle wind blew through the air. 

"Let's go" I said starting to walk away.

"Harry!  There's no point in chasing after Malfoy!" Hermione said again.

"I know.  I'm doing what's right." I said.

**Draco's POV**

I stared at the ceiling.  I was in my Slytherin bed.  Snape and I had arrived at Hogwarts hours ago.  Snape had claimed the role as Headmaster.  He was now in control.

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