Always Had A Thing For Bad Boys [A Draco Malfoy Love Story] (7)

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Chapter Seven:

**Sam's POV**

Harry walked me down to Charms class.  He was going to Herbology.  And fortuantely Lunch was after this period.  One more class with Malfoy.  Just one more.

"I'll see you soon" Harry smiled.  I smiled back.  I entered the room.  Jesse was there.  Jesse had shaggy sandy hair adn crystal blue eyes.  I admit he is pretty good looking.  Jesse has wanted me to be his girlfriend for a year now.  He's asked 20 times and guess how many times I said no? 21. The extra was because we were in the middle of class when he said

"Hey Sam I was wondering"

and then I said


I did not want to re-inact that whole day. I sighed and took my seat.  Luckily for me Mafloy was at the other end of the class.  Unlucky for me we were changing seats.

"Okay class.  Everyone go to the back of the classroom while I decide your seats" Flitwick said.  Flitwick was....well....a very short man.  He had to stand on about 12 books just to get to be eye level with us.  Poor guy...

We all moved to the back of class.  I stayed close to Jennette.  She was the most decent person in Ravenclaw. I noticed how all of the Ravenclaws are always so snobby.  They act like their smarter than everyone else. I guess they are but they don't have to flaunt it."

To be honest Jennette was the only person in the room I really liked. Since I made a vow to myself to never ever ever make friends with the Slytherins and the only othe house here was the uptight Ravenclaws Jennette was my only hope to a happy Charms class.

"Okay....So.....Jennette and...." Flitwick said looking around the room.

Please be me.  Please be me.  Freaking pick me!!!!


Damn you.

"Okay now....Draco and....."

Please not me.  Please not me.  Don't freaking pick me!!!



I reluctantly made my way over to the desk.  Great.  Now Charms class is forever ruined. I hate my life. I didn't look at him.  Although I did feel his glares. I didn't look at him for the entire class.  Even when we had to work with partners I just ignored him.  Luckily for me he did the same. I did all of the work faster than everybody in the class.  (Even the Ravenclaws.  Take that know it alls!!)

The bell rang and Malfoy muttered

"What your back Johnson"

"As long as I'm not looking at you Malfoy" I sneered back at him.  He was speechless and stormed out of the class.

I stayed.  I put my things in my bag slowly.  Herbology was outside.  I was inside.  It would take Harry at least 2 minutes if he ran to make his way up here...

"Hey Sam" Harry said.

Look at that I was wrong.

"Hey Harry" I smiled.

"Guess who I'm sitting with?" I asked with fake happyness.

"Who?" Harry asked.

"Ickle little Drakeykins!" I said pretending to be happy but it was so obvioius I wasn't.

"Again??" Harry asked. We left the class and walked down to lunch.

"Yes.  Again" I sighed. "Why does this world hate me?" I shouted jokingly at the sky. Harry rolled his eyes and dragged me to the dining area.

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