He flew out on to the ice and almost collided with a figure bending over a bunch of wires and machinery. He reached his arms out, clasping his hands on your hips, not only stopping him but scaring you.

              "AHHH!" You turned around with a jump but immediately relaxed as soon has you saw who it was. "Barry! You know for the fastest man alive you sure do keep a bad timing record. I had to drag everything out on the ice AND shoo away wanna-be skaters. This is the only ice rink I know of." You then looked at him out of the corner of your eye, giving him an accusing look. "Did you have to save someone?"

              Barry opened his mouth to answer but you held your hand up. "Never mind. You are here now. Lets get this over with." Rubbing your arms you slowly shuffled on the ice toward a computer stand that emitted a bunch of wires. You started mumbling under your breath, "And WHY this had to be done now makes no sense. I am going to tighten one of uncle's wheels, make him irritated for once."

              Barry watched as you started typing on the computer and messing with a few wires. He didn't miss the occasional glance at a poorly hidden paper flapping in the breeze, assuming it's the instructions you dearly need. He shook his head and smiled. He watched as your hair flapped in the wind and you rubbed your ungloved hands, mumbling something under your breath.

              "Well if you would let me speak I would have told you I grabbed some hot chocolate for you." He pointed to the bleachers where he stowed the drinks and an extra pair of skates. "If I didn't know better I may be rubbing off on you at the speed you are talking." He chuckled and skated slowly over to you, looking over your shoulder at the monitor.

              "Well that will be because it's so freaking cold out here. I just want to get this over with." You continued to tap on the keys then turned around to place a body monitor on his chest. Looking up into his blue-green eyes you stammered as you tried to form a coherent sentence. "B-but thank you for the hot cocoa." You bent your head as if focusing on the triggers you were attaching to him. "That was sweet of you. And here I am ragging on you. Look out this will be cold." You lifted his shirt and placed the last monitoring sticker on his chest, really trying hard not to stare or let your hand linger. He flinched but chuckled.

              "Like what you see? I'm flattered but I'm cold." He took your hand, causing you to drop the hem of his shirt and look into his eyes. He rubbed your hands in his watching the chilled air come out in puffs from your sudden labored breathing. Well there goes your efforts of not lingering.

               You shook your head and gently removed your hands from his, regretting it almost immediately. The faster you guys get this done the sooner you can warm up. "Right well," You clear your throat, "lets get this over with." You turned back to the instruments and synced up his monitors to the database. A green light flickered and you nodded your head with satisfaction. Now all you need is the speed.

              "Alright where do you need me? I assume the green light means go." Barry slowly drifted away and stuck his hands in his pockets. He liked the feel of your hands in his, despite the cold. They were soft and strong, just like you.

               "Yeah it means go. Position yourself where when you go around but don't hit anything." You turn slightly to point at a tall blinking pole. "That will be monitoring your wind generation and see if you are hitting any resistance. Your monitors on your body watch your body levels, duh. And this right here," You tapped your foot on a pad that looked to be about an inch in the ice, "tallies every time you make a full cycle." Thank goodness Wells had it installed before the experiment, you would have just told him to suck it up and do it when he got back if you had to melt the ice and reform it.

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