As she took the last picture she looked at it on the small screen and noticed Ed seemed to be looking at her in it. She looked up at him and he was still looking at her. They caught each others eye.

For a second she felt like she was in the twilight zone. Like the whole world stopped turning and everything was going in slow motion.

She then realized she was staring at him and he back at her. She quickly looked away and went and put her camera down and sat in her seat.

Ed finished the song and Louis announced he wanted to sing a song to Delilah. He smiled and began "Look After You" by The Frey.

She could see someone walking her way out of the corner of her eye and noticed it was Ed when he got there.

"Can I have this dance?" He asked holding his hand out to her.

Waverly blushed, "Actually I can't dance."

Ed chuckled, "Can I tell you a secret?"

Waverly nodded.

Ed leaned down beside her and whispered in her ear, "Neither can I, so how about we wing it."

He took her hand and led her out to the dance floor where other couples were dancing.

Louis world famous voice sung the chorus as they swayed.

Delilah starred into Louis gorgeous baby blue eyes as he sung. Even though Delilah was already his baby it still touch her heart that he choose that song.

"Oh oh oh, oh oh oh...Be my baby and I'll look after you..."

By the way Louis looked at her you could tell that they were in true love.

Waverly wanted to be looked at like that.

Back in the middle of the room, Ed and Waverly stopped on the dance floor.He wrapped his arms around her waist and she put her arms around his neck.

"So you're Delilahs' friend, Waverly, right?"

"Yeah." She blushed, happy and surprised that he knew who she was.

"Well I'm pretty sure you know that I'm Ed." He chuckled lightly. Pulling Waverly just a bit closer.

She lightly giggled then accidentally stepped in his foot.

"Oh my gosh!!! I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" Waverly asked completely embarrased.

Ed chuckled, "Never better. I barely felt anything."

"Ok, good."

"Listen would you maybe like to-" He started but a hand took Waverly's from Ed's.

"Hi," It was Niall standing to their left, "I was wondering if I could cut in and dance with Waverly."

"Um, yeah, yeah, sure man." Ed said, "I'll talk to you later Waverly." He calmly walk to the bar. Waverly didn't know but Ed really enjoyed dancing with her. Stepping on each others feet and all.

"Yeah." Waverly said putting her arms around Niall as he put his around her. She watched Ed throw back his head drinking the shot and quickly let Niall draw her attention back to him.

"So are you having a good time so far?" Niall asked, "Other than the fact that I ran you over."

"Um, yeah so far. What about you?"

"I'm having a great time. Free bar and wings, it's every guys dream!"

Waverly laughed. Glances over her shoulder at Ed. What was it he was going to ask exactly?

Something BeautifulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora