Chapter 2

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"WHAT THE HELL KANKURO?!!" The blonde yells. Master Kankuro looks scared. I must protect him. I walk and stand in front of him.
"I must ask you to refrain from yelling at my master" I say politely. She gives me a weird look ( it's a 'WTF?'Look).
"Master?" She says slowly with a hint of anger. I nod.
" it's ok Mizuki she's my sister. Temari I can explain" master Kankuro says. That means Temari is now my mistress. Oh kami I just talked back to my mistress!
" you better do it quick" Mistress Temari replies to him.
" I am so sorry for talking to you like that Mistress Temari " I apologise and bow.
"Would you like to punish me?" I ask. In my mother's master's house I use to be punished for things I did wrong. Mistress Temari stares at me weirdly.
" uhh . . . No. Kankuro you better explain before I kick your ass" Mistres Temari says.
" I'll explain after I clean my nose" Master Kankuro says and walks back through the door. I straighten myself and look at my mistress. She looks back at me. I smile and she just does a weird face. A few seconds later master comes back.
"Let's sit down" he says. And they sit on the couch. I don't.
" uh . . .are you gonna sit down, Mizuki?" Master asks. I always had to be given permission to sit so I am waiting for him to say so.
" you must give me permission to sit, master Kankuro" I say. He blushes before letting me sit down. The two stare off.
" well I was walking around the village when Mizuki came up to me and told me she was looking for a job as a maid and asked if I would hire her. I said yes, so now she calls me master but I don't know why she calls you mistress" he blushes as he gives the short explanation. Suddenly he is being shaken by Temari.
" are you and idiot? You just randomly let people into our home because they're cute?! You don't even think of asking us about it?!? Even if she wants to be our Maid how are we going to pay her?! How do you think Garaa will react?!?Huh? huh?" Mistress Temari yells at him. I can't intervene because Temari is my mistress and of higher ranking than Kankuro.
" um mistress if I may speak" I say. She stops shaking him like a rag doll and turns to me.
" I don't need money. The only thing I would need in return of my service is food and somewhere to sleep. If you can't give me these things then I would still happily sleep outside and hunt for my own food." I say politely.
" but why?" She asks.
" I've been searching for a master or mistress for three years and have finally found one I would like to serve. If you do not wish me to be a maid then I would happily be a bodyguard. I am excellent in tai jutsu, good in gen jutsu and above basic in ninjutsu. I have excepted you as my master and mistress you may order me to do anything within my power and I shall do so" I explained.
They looked at me weirdly.
"So . . . Can I keep her" Kankuro asked. Temari hits him over the head.
"She isn't a bloody pet! . . . But yes I suppose she can stay-" she was interrupted by Kankuro's shout of joy. But she cut him off with a hit to his head.
"Don't bloody interrupt my. I said yes she can stay only if Garaa agrees" Kankuro instantly became gloomy.
"If I may ask, who is Garaa?" I inquire.
" he's our youngest brother" Temari says monotone. Ooh another master yay!
"I would be delighted to have another master. May I meet him?" I ask. They look at each other with a concerned expression. Temari goes to talk.
"Well you see-" a soft footstep. Interrupted her. I look at the doorway and see a young boy a bit taller than me, around my age, with blood red hair, sea foam green eyes and a red tattooed kanji for love on his forehead. In short he was hot.
I mentally slap myself. Geez Mizuki he's most likely my other master, these thoughts aren't appropriate.
"Uh g-Garaa what are you doing down here?" Kankuro asks. So I was correct he is my other master. Garaa gives him a cold glare.
" your noise disturbed me" he says. Temari speaks to him.
" sorry about that Garaa but we want you to meet Mizuki. She may be our servant and we wanted you to give your opinion." His piercing gaze turns to me. As our eyes meet I drop to the ground on one knee with my held bowed low.
" hello, master- Sama. It is a pleasure to meet you. I hope you accept me as your servant. If you do I pledge my loyalty to you and your siblings to protect and serve you until I die." I stay in that position until I hear a response. I wait for five silence filled seconds before I hear a answer.
"Fine" he said and walked out. When he left I stood up and looked at my now legitimate masters. They look flabbergasted.
" what would you like me to do first?" I asked.
" what just happened?" Temari asked.
"No the more important question is, Why does he get to be named master-sama?" Kankuro asks. Temari hits him.
" well I just pledged my loyalty to the three of you. And because I have more than one master then there has to be a order of power as to know who's orders come first." I say.
" but why is he above me."
" because he is superior in power"
" what?! Then am I under him?!"
" the order of who's superior is. Master Garaa, Mistress Temari and then you, Master Kankuro."
"Ahh why am I on the bottom? I was the first master" he whines.
" I deeply apologise for upsetting you Master Kankuro would you like to punish me?" I ask in a submissive bow. He turns really red before having a massive nosebleed and passing out. Temari just signs.
" well the first thing you can do is clean up the blood and move Kankuro out of the way" she orders me.
"Yes mistress" I respond with a bow. I walk over and pick up master Kankuro. He was a bit heavy but nothing I couldn't handle.
" mistress where is his room?" I ask.
" down that hall way, Up the stairs and the second door to the right"
"Thank you mistress" I walk away.
"Oh and Mizuki " Temari calls out to me.
"Yes mistress"
" you don't have to call Kankuro and I mistress or master"
" if that is what you wish" I say before continuing toward Kankuro's room. I dropped him off, cleaned his face of blood, asked Temari where the cleaning supplies are then mopped the blood in the lounge room. Once I finished my job I searched for Temari.
"Temari, may i please have a tour of the house? Of that is too much trouble than I can wander myself" I say.
" no, no it's fine."
After she gave me a quick tour of the house I asked her what I should do next.
" it's becoming dark Temari would you like me to start dinner?" I ask.
" yes thank you"
I head off to the kitchen and start getting ingredients, utensils and other things to make dinner.
After thirty minutes I had dinner done and on plates. The smell had brought out two of the siblings and they dug in.
" um may I ask, where is master-Sama?"
" he doesn't usually eat with us" Kankuro replied.
Oh then I should bring some up to him, thank you Kankuro" I say. And start to grab his plate.
"Hey why aren't you calling me master anymore" he whines.
"Because Temari ordered me not to "
"Well I order you to call me master" he says.
" I'm sorry, Temari's order is over rules yours."
" Temari!"
"I'm sorry for causing you displeasure, would you like to punish me?" I ask. He heavily blushes and shakes his head. I head up to master-Sama's room. His is up stairs, the door on the left at the end of the hallway. I knock on the door.
"Master-Sama I have your dinner. May I come in?" I ask. I wait there is no reply. I grasp the handle and slowly open the door. I know I may be stepping over my boundaries but what if master-Sama needs help.
Master-sama's room is practically untouched. Completely bare. It doesn't seem as if master is here. I take a deep breath. His scent is still fresh so he must of left recently. I search for his chakra signature that I memorised before. He's on the roof. I walk to his open window. I grab the edge of the roof with my free hand and crouch on the window sill. I take a deep breath before pushing off and swinging myself around and onto the roof, twisting my hand with the plate of food to keep it up right. I land silently in a kneeling position.
I see Garaa a bit to my left gazing at the full moon.
" master-Sama I am sorry for interrupting but I have brought your dinner." I say with a bow, making sure to be extra submissive. I feel his gaze.
"You shouldn't have disturbed me. When the moons full his blood boils" he says. His voice was filled with bloodlust.
"Would you like to punish me?" I ask, still in my submissive bow. It was silent, allowing tension to build in the air.

Garaa's pov (sorry if he is OOC)
I don't understand. Why? Why would you tell me to keep her?
"Because she's of the Neko clan"
"The Neko's are raised to become servants. Once they choose a master they will be loyal and obey any and every command we give, until she dies. You and your siblings are now her master, but she has recognised us as her supreme master"
It doesn't matter. As soon as she knows I can kill her she will run, just like the rest.
"No. On the contrary it won't matter to her. Her job is to serve us and that's what she'll do, no matter the command. Even if you ordered her to die she'd do it."
Hm. As long as she's not in my way I don't care.
"I'm hungry."
The kazekage said we can't kill in the village.
"But that's no fun"
I'm sorry-. My thoughts are interrupted as I see the new maid flips onto the roof. She's holding a plate of food in her hand. Why is she up here? It doesn't matter, I focus on the moon so I don't think of splattering her insides on the roof.
" master-Sama I am sorry for interrupting but I have brought your dinner." She says bowing lowly. I look at her. She's in a maids uniform bowing low, even her tail and ears are submissive.
"You shouldn't have disturbed me. When the moons full his blood boils" i say, warning her.
"Would you like to punish me?" She asks. My bloodlust increases.
"I don't care, just don't kill her. Loyal servants are hard to find, especially Neko servants." Fine. . .

The sand siblings Neko maid (garaa x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora