Chapter 13

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                                                                      No Name POV


           I have been talking to Salene through her head it is a pain to tell her that she is come with me. I haven't told her that when she is coming that I'm using the power inside of to my will even if it kills me. She has a rare Beast inside of her that everybody would want for themselves, that is why I'm trying to get her away from Ciel Phantomhive and his Demon butler Sebastian so they don't use that power before I do because there is a legend 'that a rare type of Beast will rise in the form of a human but doesn't know that it is this rare Beast, until someone gives it a special gem that matches the seeker's soul/heart and the gem and the Beast will become on with it and the seeker will has control of the Beast for all eternity until the Beast has an offspring with the seeker and then the Beast will sleep for another 100000 years until it wakes in another body, but there is another telling that the Beast and seeker can still live but....... it has been ripped out of the book of Legends that have been pasted down generation after generation."

          So the only reason I want her is to have all control of her power.

          "Salene do you hear me I want you to tell me where you are so I can come and get you right now,"My name is Alois, but I doubt she remember me because the last time I saw was when we were very little and so was Ciel Phantonhive. We were all little kids and she was taken away from us when her family died when she was younger and we never got to see each other anymore, but it seems that she has lost her memory and doesn't remember who I am by my voice.

            "Why do you have to be so disobey me all the time you even did this since we were kids,"I said to her. "Do you not recognize me Salene you should know me." She is just wasting my time so I'm going to take control of her.

----------------------Salene's POV-----------------------------

         I was walking around the manor and I suddenly dropped to my knees. I heard him again and I kept shaking my head 'NO'. I also don't know him, how does he know me. I kept shaking so bad and I was so scared that he was talking to me in my head, and I screamed 'NO' then fell unconscience.

-----------------------Sebastian's POV-------------------------

       I ran downstairs to find Salene laying on the floor, doing the same thing that she did the one night and suddenly her body jerked upward and she ran for the front door trying to escape the manor. I ran after her and I tried to grab her and she dodged my hands that were trying to grab her waist. She jumped onto the chandelier above me and I jumped up therewith her.

    "What's wrong Salene, is there something wrong," I asked her. "because you aren't answering me."

     She turned her head towards me her eyes were black with a red tint to them. This is not her something is wrong with her.

     "Ha, you think this is Salene, but it's not, it's Alois, I got her in my hands now and there is nothing you can do now, heheheheh, bye for now." She said in a boyish voice that I automatically knew it was Alois.

    "You Bastard, why do you want Salene so bad?" I asked him. I don't know why I'm acting this way, I never acted like this in years when my sister went missing. I really miss her very much, I guess that Salene looks like her...................

                    Thanks for reading my book peoples. Hope you like the next chapter. Please Vote, Comment, and Share by book with others!!!!!!!!     :):):):)    Thanks!!!!


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