Chapter 5 - Hotaru Sweets Spirit Muffin

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"hey everyone"rumi said

"are you okay mikan"rumi said

"yes"I said in low voice

"okay everyone today we are making cream puff"sensei said

What is cream puff,but it dosent sound good for me

"everyone send one person from your group to get your ingredients,and go"sensei said

"mikan go get the ingredients"hotaru said

"okay"I said

Where are they,oh there they are.I cant reach I am too small,why did I got to be small

"you need help"a girl said grabing the ingredients

"yeah"I said

I was looking at her when suddenly she throw me flour all over my body,and it hit me more on the head.

"oh sorry"she said

I ma super mad at her,I am so embarrassed and they all watching me

"that what you get for being small and ugly stupid girl"she said

"F*** you"I said in a low voice but she heard it

"me really your the one"she said getting close to me

"stop it,nazera-san your bulling her"sensei said

"sensei she said a bad word to me"nazera-san said

That not even true,she lying

"mikan come with me"sensei said

"she lying"I said mumbling

Now what I am going to do ,that girl got me in trouble

"mikan tell me the true did you say a bad word"sensei said

"yes but she throw me the flour on top of me"I said

"okay but I will send you and nazera-san to the office for the flour"sensei said

"yes"I said in a low voice

"okay wait here and I will get nazera-san"sensei said opening the door

Now I dont get to make the cream puff,hotaru,natsume and ruka are now making them,or they even see the whole thing that happened to me



"hey ruka you go and get the ingredients"I said

"okay"ruka said

"mikan is short then"I said

"you barely notice that"natsume said

"no idiot"I said

"here"ruka said

"at least your not short ruka-pyon"I said teasing him

"PYON?"natsume said

"imai dont call me that"ruka said

"A+ group mikan is not going to come for right now so please start doing your work,and I dont know when she will come back"sensei said

"okay"ruka said

"okay bye"sensei said

Now that I am thinking this is kinda of my fault for telling mikan to go get the ingredients for cream puff,and she is clumsy.

"imai what are you thinking of"natsume said

"nothing"I said glsring at him



"mikan still is not here I wonder where is she"I said

"lets go imai I am hungry"natsume said

"then make something"someone said

"hello I am muffin"muffin said

"who the hell are you"I said staring at the little doll

"so you finally found someone"lollipop said popping out of natsume pockets(natsume sweets spirit)

"shut up lollipop you came in second"muffin said

"hey you have one to hyuuga"I said

"yeah but I dont know why I have one if I dont like sweets that much"natsume said

"we are sweets spirit,I am muffin and this is lollipop"muffin said

"who the first on muffin"lollipop said

"ice candy and HE SO HANDSOME"muffin said

"no he not I am more handsome"lollipop said

"who ice candy"natsume said

"the most handsome prince in our group"muffin said

"hey everyone sakura-san is coming"ruka said

"okay ruka,what are you doing"ruka said

"hey"mikan said


"what are you doing"I said

"nothing"hotaru said

"then I am leaving,natsume do you want to go"ruka said

"no you go I will go later"natsume said

"okay bye"ruka said

That weird foro natsume not go with ruka

"oh hi lollipop and I dont know the other one name"I said

"mikan you have one"hotaru said

"yeah its..."I said when ice candy came out of my sweater

"bonjouir everyone"ice candy said

"ICE CANDY!"muffin said running to him for a huge hug

"that ice candy"hotaru said

"mikan that yours"natsume said

"yeah he said that he my sweets spirit"I said

"hotaru yours sweet spirit is a muffin"I said

"(glared at me)"

"lets leave now I am tired"hotaru said

"okay"me and natsume said at the same time

"(I glared at him)"

"(he glared at me)"




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