Chapter 4 - Got In Trouble

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"Mikan get up your going to be late for school if you dont wake up"hotaru said,knocking on my door

"Okay"I said

I got up and suddenly my head started to hurt alot,I need to lied down I cant be walking up if my head hurts a lot but I need to go to school,ugh I am just going I can hold it.I change my clothes and and grab my stuffs and left to class.

My head hurts really bad I need to sit down,I went to sit down on my seat when suddenly natsume came and sit next to me I didn't say anything because my head hurts alot,but he just started at me to say"good morning"but I couldn't it hurts alot.

"are you okay?"natsume said,looking at me with a weird face

"yeah"I said,looking the other way so he wont see that my head hurts

Class started and it was hard for me to concentrate in class,but then sensei call me to up the board and solve the problem,luckily I knew the answer because it was easy."good job"he said,I went fast to sit back to my seat next to natsume and he just keep staring at me still.

"What"I said annoy

"what wrong with you"he said

"nothing just dont talk to me right now"I said but I said it to loud that sensei heard it and told me to stay after class,I was mad because my head hurts and natsume just got me in trouble.

When school finish sensei came and told me to do this package of math and give it to him tomorrow morning,I was super mad that I wanted to scream at him and kill him with my powers but then I would be more in trouble wait not In trouble but EXPELLED from school.So right now I am doing my work and I am barely on question 4 because my head is hurting really bad that I fell asleep and woke up by hotaru.

"baka what are you doing here"

"oh you dont remember or you didnt heard what sensei said"I said surprise that she didnt heard what sensei said,he was screaming to but not that loud

"no"hotaru said

"...............WHAT!"I said screaming

"what where you doing if you didnt heard the teacher scream"I said glaring at her

"doing my invention"hotaru said

"how come he dosent see you doing that"I said

"its a invisible invention that I am still there but he cant see hat I am doing because its invible"hotaru said in normal voice that nothing happened and not worry

"I need that invention for me"I said

"so what are you doing here"hotaru ask

"got in trouble because of natsume"I said

"okay bye"hotaru said,again she dosent care

"hotaru help me I cant finish it by myself"i said begging to her to help me

"I cant I need to do something,bye"she said leaving the classroom

I am defently going to kick natsume but if I dont finish this

"haven't finish idiot"

WAIT!............................................NATSUME HE IS HERE!,I am so f***** going to kill him

"bruh want you want"I said

"its your fault for not telling me that your head hurt"he said,like he know it

"you should say that my head hurt,then I would response to you"I said glaring at him,he glared at me back

"what question are you on"he said looking at the paper"4,dang that far away from 20"he said

"what its not my fault that I fell asleep because of my head is hurting"I said looking at him

"you want me to do them for you"he said

"yes"i said normally

"then do me a pudding"he said smirking at me

"okay,but they have to be right"I said

3RD POV(not their pov)

Mikan is making natsume pudding with the help of ice cream and natsume is doing mikan work by himself and he barely on question 12.Mikan is doing the caramel and putting in the top of the vanill(its the bottom part of it,idk what to put its name so I just call it vanilla)and she put it on the oven.

Natsume is almost finishing the paper and he filling tired from all the math

20 minutes later


This question are easy how can someone not do it its fraction,I am almost finish with the last one and I am done

"DONE"they say at the same time

"what how could you be done with the pudding"I said

"its easy"mikan said smiling

"the problems are easy to"I said

"I know but I didnt want to them because my head hurts"mikan said

"idiot.....................give me my pudding"I said glaring at her

"oh yeah here"mikan said giving it to me

I taste the pudding and it was good but not that good it was...................

"its normal"I said

"WHAT!"she said screaming making my ears bleed

"dont scream idiot"I said

"okay but at least we finish both of them"mikan said


Natsume finish eating his pudding and mikan fell asleep where her work was(she was looking at it)natsume call hotaru to take her to her room because they cant let boys in the girls doom.Hotaru took mikan to her room and place her in her bed and left back to hers.Natsume went to his room and went to take a shower and went to sleep to




P.S. mikan first was on the classroom then she left to the cooking class ,then natsume came because he was hungry and it was already late.

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