Daily lives 7 - Floor 1 - Monokumas motive of the week

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You sat alone in the canteen, you remembered how at the start of the killing trip this canteen used to be full of people, Shido practicing, David and Lyon talking, Waotaka smiling or even Emi's sarcastic voice ringing through the hall. Though now it was empty.

Lowering your head you tried to ignore the losses you had all had. The family which you may never see again, the normal life that you wish was happening again, or even a time before when you had to worry about someone constantly trying to kill....when you were ignorant towards these sorts of things...

No matter what, the silence in the room stayed the same.

Sighing you wished that there was a sound...anything at all!

'Bing bong bang bing'

Ok maybe not anything...

'After that trial you kids must be tired, I know I sure am! Setting that bomb off takes a lot of effort y'know...but enough about that...as you seem insistent on learning more about that school and what's behind all the locked doors... so I prepared a special gift for everyone in the gym, now make sure you hurry along - lets just say... You don't want to miss this motive'

Lowering your head you sighed, knowing that in the end you would have no choice anyway, you stood up and walked towards gym.

Pushing open the doors to the gym you sighed annoyed, looking into the gym you tried to see if anyone else was there.

Theo was sat against the wall at one end of the hall talking to Genevieve (you guys know just to swap names if your the one reading this chap and you see your Oc's name.... Right?)

Iris, Akio and Green were talking nearer to the front.

And as usual Monkuma sat on the podium at the front, holding eight brown paper envelopes in his paw.

He laid them down on the stage infront of him wordlessly and grinned.

"In these files are-"

"Oh shut up already" snapped Genevieve


"Do you really think we're falling for another one of your motives? How stupid do you think we are?" Said Mitzuo sighing "besides it looks pretty boring"

"W-WHA? BORING?! No these are-"

"We don't want to know bear...don't you get that already?" Snapped Mirai angrily

"Y-you too?!"

"J-j-just SHUT UP ALREADY" yelled Theo annoyed and angry.

"We don't want to kill one another" said Iris sounding determined.

Monokuma paused looking at all of the students before grinning "ok then if you insist..."

"What? He gave up that easily!?" Asked Mitzuo confused.

Monokuma's red eye flashed for a second "but I'll just leave these here...just incase any of you get tempted..."

Green sighed and muttered "the bastard...he's still trying to get us to doubt each other"

Monokuma grinned and disappeared behind the podium once more. The stage was empty apart from the eight slightly bulky envelopes left on the stage.

You walked over to them and looked curiously at them.

Each of them had the hope's peak academy logo printed neatly in the corner along with a stamp of monokumas face. Every one of them had a name written on it, one for each person. The unemotional voice of Green interrupted your thoughts.

"Well if we're not going to have monokumas motive to worry about we might as well explore...floor five will be open now"

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