Chapter 5

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As I stride towards my TARDIS, I hear the twins racing to catch up with me. I feel the usual giddiness of showing the TARDIS to someone new, someone unsuspecting. I'm especially excited to show Dipper. He seems to be into the unusual, and I think this will really blow his mind. I start debating who will say "It's bigger on the inside" - Mabel or Dipper? I'm still pondering this when Mabel comes up to me.

"Uh, Doctor? Are you taking us to your ship?" she asked.

"Mhm. We should be reaching it in no time." I tell her.

"So you're not going to kidnap us right?" she says this in a way that makes it sound like she doubts my niceness. She must have seen some pretty scary things in this town. And she certainly is has not finished seeing scary things here. I wonder if she has any inkling of what's to come. But I better not mention it, leave the kids in the dark for the time being. I must tell Ford first.

"No, why would I do that?" I reply, jokingly bumping into her as we walk.

"But is it really bigger on the inside?" Now Dipper has caught up, and of course is bombarding me with more questions.

"Well, you'll just have to see that for yourself." We are almost at the TARDIS. The twins seem pretty excited, and they should be. I smile to myself, I really do like kids. 

"I can see it!" Yells Mabel as she raced towards the spot of blue poking through the cover of the trees. I start running to catch up with her, Dipper trailing behind me. I reach the box and grip the door handle.

"Ready?" The kids nod. "Okay, 3, 2, 1, and..." I whip open the door and hear a collective oohs and aahs from both Dipper and Mabel. 

"It is bigger on the outside!" They say, in almost perfect unison. I should've guessed they would both say it, being twins and all.

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