Ch. 5 - Yes Daddy

Start from the beginning

This curly haired bitch...

I was about ready to burst out of the closet with my hands in front of me singing "Stop in the name of the Lord" until I heard the girl let out one more breathy moan.

"Yes Daddy." She mewled as he continued to make out with her, his hands roaming her body.

My jaw dropped and I had to cover my mouth from laughing.

Oh my god, did she just-

"Mm, you like that babygirl?" I heard Harry's deep voice rasp causing my breathing to go all haywire as I tried not to laugh out loud.

I shook my head, silently snickering to myself as I brought my hand away from my mouth.

Well, guess you learn something new everyday.

"What do you want from Daddy?" Harry questioned, his breathing heavy as I rolled my eyes.

I want to get the fuck outta here that's what I want.

I let out a realistic barking noise, scratching and pounding on the closet door as I growled.

Let this bitch out.

"H-harry what's that!?" The girl jumped, cowering in his arms.

I could see him glare at me from the bed, his jaw clenching as he hesitantly got off the girl.

"Arf! Arf! Arf!" I continued to bark, biting my lip as I smirked.

"That's just my annoying pet pomeranian." Harry explained with clear irritation in his voice.

"Ohhh... I love dogs! Can I see-"

"No!" Harry snapped, his voice overpowering hers in the room.

"She's uh, she's vicious and untrained, that's why I keep her in the closet." Was his excuse making me bark out louder as I let out an animalistic growl and scratched at the door violently to back him up.

"Go to the bathroom and fix your make up or something, I'll take care of the dog." Harry commanded, his words coming out a lout rougher by the end of his sentence.

The girl let out a shakey "okay" before I heard her dainty footsteps pad out the door.

I blinked rapidly, bringing my head back when Harry adruptly slid the closet door open shedding the bright light over me.

"Who let the dogs out." I hollered when I saw him, cupping my hands around the sides of my mouth to make my voice louder as he grabbed me by the back of my collar and yanked me out.

"You know this whole man handling thing has got to stop, have you ever thought about taking up knitting?" I snorted as he quickly ushered me to the front door.

I was kicked out into the hallway, turning to find a pair of evasive green eyes glaring at me from the door.

"Wait! Wait!" I stumbled, bringing my hand out against the wood of the door before he could close it.

"What." He snapped, still glaring at me.

"Uh, so um, your mom contacted me saying that we have to be forced to get married due to unexplainable circumstances and yeah that's what we gotta do..." I rambled out, nodding as I watched his face turn into a look of annoyance.

Okay the bad boy and good girl either hook up at a party, get paired up to do some project together, and or get married or have to pretend to be in a relationship with one another.

"Note." I said, handing him the note where I had scribbled down "Harry you have to marry Natalie to save the family, hugs and kisses your mom."

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