Chapter 25: Agreed

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Jessie was yelling at both of them. When Pete was on top and punching Rick Jessie tried pulling him off only to be punched in the face and fell to the ground. When Rick got on top he started choking Pete. This time Carl tried pulling his father off but Rick pushed him making him stumble back.

When Deanna finally came and told Rick to stop he held Pete like that for a second more and threatened him before letting him go.

Deanna tried to calm him down before he pulled out a gun on them. Rick started talking about how the alexandrians would've died if we hadn't of come and how people like Pete shouldn't be here. Then suddenly Michonne punched him knocking him out. He was going a bit crazy.


It was night time and Deanna had called a meeting for what just happened. But Rick and Jessie wanted us four teens to work out our problem while they worked out theirs. We all just sat silently in the living room. Enid's face was all scratched and my knuckles were still healing. Finally I broke the silence.

"Why?" I asked no one in particular. This was technically going out towards all three of them. "You are in a fucking relationship with Ron and yet you still kissed my boy- husb-... Carl." I told Enid. "And then you. I still don't know if you're telling me the truth." I told Carl.

"That's exactly why you deserve someone better." I hear Ron mumble.

"Oh." I chuckled sarcastically. "Don't even get me started on you."

"Yes I know I beat Enid up but that was because all this happened." I added.

"I have been telling you the truth. Enid snuck out. I went to bring her back. The walkers came. We hid in a tree. And she kissed me." Carl told me.

"I was jealous." Enid blurts out.

"Why?" I scoff.

"Because Carl was there for you every second you were here. I tried leading him away."

"You set it up." Carl says.

"I did. Whenever I needed comforting you didn't even know. You didn't even try." She said talking to Ron. "I hope you know that I'm breaking up with you."

"I figured." He said not the slightest effected by it.

"Alright well that leaves one more explanation." We all look at Ron.

"What's more to explain. I liked you. I tried to kiss you. You rejected me and now we're here." He told me.

"Yeah and if you get anywhere near (Y/N) again your face will have the same scars as Enid." Carl said holding up his fist.

"So we all agree to not be in each other's way as in relationship wise."

"Agreed." They all say.

Enid and I are still not friends...just a very slim bit more respectable toward each other.

"So..." Carl trailed of taking out my ring.

I gave a small smile and held out my hand. He smiled wide and slipped it back into my finger before pulling me into a hug.

Just then we hear screaming and yelling. We all jump up and run out the front door. We ran to where the meeting was being held and saw Reg, Deanna's husband, holding his neck as blood was squirting from it and saw Pete, Jessie's husband, holding Michonne's bloody sword. Abraham held Pete to the ground and Deanna rushed over to her husband.

"Rick." Deanna got his attention while she cried. "Do it"

Without hesitation Rick turned to Pete and shot him in the head.

"Rick?" I look just a bit to the right and see Daryl, Aaron and a familiar face by the entrance.


Alright guys so it's the last episode of season 5 so I won't be able to update until season 6 is done and up on Netflix...which may be a while so like I said before I'm putting together a C.R fanfiction for you guys which will be up shortly after this goes up. I publish an authors note telling you guys that it's up. So until season 6. Farewell!

Maybe Love Is Worth Dying For -Sequel to:Is Love Really Worth Dying For?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz