"I just didn't want to" Oliver shrugs.

"I agree with him" Austin laughs.

"Losers" I mutter.

"What?" Oli taunts playfully.

"Love you guys!" I laugh "Now let's go watch The Neighborhood" I run over to the stage they're set to play on. We decide to not try and push our way through the massive crowd of people, and we stay in the back, deciding to see them on the big screen.

"Wow, he's hot" I gush at Jesse Rutherford.

"He even looks good with his huge head on the big screen" Mark giggles.

"Speaking of head..." Austin leans closer to me, and I elbow him in the rib.

"Now isn't the time" I mutter, and he leans back with an amused chuckle.

"How are you all doing? We are The Neighborhood, we're going to be playing some songs from our new album Wiped Out! So enjoy, this one is called The Beach" 

I cheer along with the crowd, listening to the glorious voice of Jesse, singing loudly with Mark, and nearly screaming my head off to the lyrics of the chorus.

"I'm sick! and I'm tired too! I can admit I am not fireproof" I sing, my arms wrapped around Mark. We listen to all their songs, until finally we decided to head back to our camp site.

"That was fun" Mark sighs, flopping down onto the couch.

"I agree, I had a great time" I flop down next to him.

"I need a nap" Austin huffs, walking into the camper, and taking off his shirt.

"Damn" I hear Mark mumble beside me, and I couldn't agree more, but nonetheless, I elbow him "Sorry, it's yours I forgot" He raises his hands in defense and I roll my eyes "Rekindling" He whispers in my ear, and I smack his chest.

"Shut up" I laugh.

"Go take a nap with him" Mark pushes me, causing me to fall of the couch and onto the floor.  

"Ow" I groan, but he only rolls his eyes.

"Go" He urges and I sigh, standing up and walking into the bedroom. When I walk in, Austin's laying on the bed with his eyes closed, when he hears the floor creak, he opens one eye and a small smile graces his lips. 

He lifts up the blanket, silently telling me to come lay with him, and without thinking twice I take off my hat and crawl in next to him, my head in his neck. He runs his fingers through my hair soothingly, and I sigh softly into his neck.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He chuckles, and I giggle lightly into his neck.

"Honestly, I have no idea" I shake my had "I'm honestly very confused" 


"My feelings...for you" I trail off, and he props his head up, looking at me intently.

"Can you elaborate?"

"Ooh look at you with your fancy words" I giggle.

"Shut up" He rolls his eyes playfully "Now go on" He urges.

"I honestly don't know" I shake my head with a sigh "Part of me feels like I should be angry and that me even being this close to you is almost irrational. But then there's the other part that feels like I'm falling all over again, and that even thinking about the possibility of not forgiving you, or being away from you for any longer is irrational, and I just don't know what to do" I explain and he nods, biting the inside of his cheek.

"So basically you're saying you're literally stuck in the middle between wanting to hate me, and wanting to be with me again?" 

"Not necessarily hate, but I was telling you we should just be friends not even a month ago, and here we are now" I motion between us, and he sighs with a shrug.

"Well what do you want to do?" 

"I don't know" I shake my head "I don't know what's right"

"Well how about this, tomorrow there's no one playing that we came here for, so you and I can hang out, and so whatever you want" He suggests "If you have a good time, then we'll try again. But if you feel like there's ever a moment when you have a single thought about it not being right for us, then I'll leave you alone" He compromises "We have a deal?" 

"Yeah" I nod "We have a deal"

"Good, now lay down and shut up, I need a nap" He smiles cheekily and lays his head back down on the pillow. He pulls me close to him, so close it leaves me to wonder how it's even humanly possible. He wraps one arm around my waist, and the other around my back as my head rests in his shoulder. Within minutes I hear his light snores, that I never realized I had missed, and soon enough I'm drifting to sleep myself.



I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

Love, Bad_Boy_Hemmo

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