Chapter 10: Family Rivalry

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I sit on my bed in my room with textbooks surrounding me. Not how I planned my weekend but I need to get some studying done. It's all Isaac's fault for taking me out too late, but it was worth every bit. Apparently my parents have a work dinner that has the whole family invited which Trevor and I can't be bothered going to. I don't think Trevor and mum have sorted things out properly yet, when that incident happened. I don't blame Trevor anyway, I just hope he'll stay by my side the whole entire night. I have no idea what I'm wearing so I called Mel to come over and help me. Since I promised her I will.

I study my books and take notes. It's been 3 hours and I haven't moved. So I decide that I need to go down stairs and grab something to eat since my stomach is telling me to feed it. I effortlessly walk down stairs and as I got to the bottom Trevor was there playing his stupid video games that I somewhat enjoyed watching.

"Ello brother" I stupidly say and grab an apple from the fruit bowl. I take a bite and sit with Trevor.

"Ello sis" Trevor mocks me and we both laugh. "Wanna play? I have a extra controller" he asks pausing his game.

"It it easy to play and will I enjoy it?" I ask holding onto the controller.

"Well yeah, I'll teach you anyway" Trevor begins to teach me the rules and how to use the controller. Oh gosh I'm going to be horrible at this. We begin our game and I was off, my character began running in circles and Trevor and I both were laughing at how bad I was.

Suddenly I hear the door bell and I jump up off the couch and throw my apple away. I'll just leave the game to Trevor and never touch it again. I open the door and Mel stands in front with a huge smile on her face.

"Hi!" She screeches and walked inside.

"Well hello" I say and we walk upstairs into my room.

"Okay I'm here to save the day, so tell me what are you thinking so far?" She asks and she stands in front while I sit on my bed. Honestly I have no freaking idea?

"Nothing, that's why I called you" I say as Mel gave me funny smirk. I laughed and started to scan through my wardrobe which was pretty big considering I have little amount of 'hot' teenage clothing.

"You seriously have nothing...oh wait!" She yells and I jump in an instant shock.

"How about this?" She stars and hoofs up a plain black dress that was simply elegant and sophisticated for a work dinner and sexy enough for a teenager. I liked it. I bought this dress a while ago for a special event but I didn't end up wearing it. It seems that this is the perfect occasion for it.

"I like it" I simply say. For another hour and a half I allowed Mel to rave my bedroom to find accessories and shoes. I must admit she did a good job messing my bedroom up. It's okay, our house cleaner will pick up even though I don't like her entering my bedroom. But you know, my mother insists that every part of the house is clean. Ugh.

I began to get ready and I glanced at myself in the mirror. I was pleased. Let's just hope that my mum agrees, either way I won't listen. Mel started fiddling with brushes on my face, I felt like I had a cake on top of my face. Okay I was bragging a little but still. She removed her body from in front of my view, as I looked at myself in the mirror, I clean up okay I guess.

"Okay I have another five minutes to spare, let me revise chemistry one last time and-" I was instantly cut off my Mel.

"Oh shut-it! Get down stairs now, you study and work enough as it is" she ordered and I closed my textbook while rolling my eyes. I was hoping I would have an all nighter reading notes and quizzing myself, but then I realised I had this stupid event on. I haven't talked to Isaac since that night and I can't be bothered. I honestly hope he'll leave me alone now and we get to continue our lives as they were originally. But we both know that won't happen.

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