Chapter 7: Jail

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Ok, so I went forward with going to party thing. Only because Mel promised me that she'll buy my next meal when it comes to us going out. Which is a far enough deal to me.

"You ready?" Mel asked sitting in the family room.

"Not really, but let's go" I answered. We walked out the door and we were off to the party. Yay for me.


"The house is massive" Mel commented as I saw her jaw drop.

"Nah, it's tiny" I sarcastically commented. She pinched my arm playfully. We walked in, which was very difficult to do by-the-way. But we finally made our way through. I found myself looking for Isaac, which is rare and quite stupid.

"You made it!" Some person shouted behind me. I turned around and I saw Isaac with a massive smile on his face and a drink in his hand.

"Yeah I did" I simply commented. i looked a Isaac's face and his eyes were blood shot red.

"Want a drink?" He asked and I could smell the alcohol from his breath. Ugh.

"No thanks" I rejected, placing my hand in front of his face. 

"Dance with me" he offered me his hand, I screwed up my nose.

"I'm good, go dance with someone who wants to" I stated. As I went to walk away, he pulled my hand and grabbed onto my waste. He pulled me closer to him, where our noses nearly touched.

"Your drunk Isaac, who don't know what your doing. Let go" I said and pulled away from his grip.

"I'm not drunk, not at all. Come on, have a little fun!" He shouted on top of the music.

"I'm good, go enjoy yourself" Isaac stared at me, what does he want? one minute his annoyed and angry at me, then the next minute he wants me, do boys make any sense?

"Fine, party pooper" he walked off. I turned to Mel and she found it hilarious. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh gosh, he's totally wasted" he commented and continued to laugh. We walked outside to where the pool area was. It was still crowded but not as suffocating as inside. Isaac really is such a smart ass, even a bigger when drunk. I knew this was a mistake coming here.

"So what do we do now?" Mel asked and I sighed confused.

"No idea, let's just go home" I said.

"What no?! We just got here and you want to leave?" Mel whined. I felt bad, but this isn't my type of fun, this is mentally crazy and disturbing. I'd rather do something that won't get me in trouble. 

"I'm sorry, but I really don't want to handle another party" I begged. Some guy came up to Mel, really pissed and disgusting. Mel stared at him as her reaction was priceless.

"Hey babe, want to go for a dip in the pool?" he asked licking is lips.

"No, go away you pig" Mel ordered but it wasn't enough for the guy to leave.

"I can show you a good time" he said and grabbed Mel by the arm. She was terrified as she held onto my top. I stood up and pushed the guy away from her.

"Piss off jerk, find someone else to hit on!" I yelled and he walked away. I looked over to the group of boys he walked over to and began laughing at him. That's what his annoying ass gets, wow I didn't know I had that in me?

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