Art of 2015 (Oh god...)

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Ugh... Some of that is just... *shudders violently* Even though I may not be the most talented drawer, I'm very happy with my ability to improve. Most people's art doesn't change much in almost a whole year, and at first I thought my constant art style changes were irritating and irregular, but now I know it's improving, and I love it when I have this whole style makeover and then I can improve. Anyway, I'm way too lazy to tell you which ones came when, so see if you can track my performance and guess which picture came before. The middle picture is my best work of 2015. I do plan on redoing most of these tho. Yay, time to completely procrastinate on everything snd start redoing old pictures XD sorry guys. Bellevue it or not, y worst art were all requests, which I'm incredibly surprised by. Like, I got like twenty requests back then, and I was pretty overwhelmed, and now I don't get requests nearly at all. I may ask for a butt load of them in the future, but I've closed them right now. Especially with my contest ending, which I will need to do a whopping six requests on. Oh gods, that's going to be annoying. Expect expert procrastination XD
PS: IMPORTANT: My contest ends today, but I'm allowing entries until I wake up tomorrow, which would be about 8am. If you're still working on entries, especially for the writing contest, I MAY extend the deadline a few days so you can get your entry in.

Vesper's Art Attempt 1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum