Blood, blood, and more blood. (Oh and I pass out like twice, sorry.)

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     He held it. It's covered in blood, my blood. It's glinting in the low light.

     "Hm...interesting. You still have it." Klaus smirked, my blood dripping from his mouth. Flashes of red filled my vision. much blood. Pain shot through my head and I cried out, holding my head and falling to my knees.

     I must have passed out because flashes of the dream came back. It's all hazy, the details blurred.

     I ran through a sunlight meadow, chasing him. Black hair, beautiful laugh and smile. We're just kids. I catch up and tackle him. Our laughter rings out as we roll around. I pinned him.

     "I win. Again." I said happily, grinning. I stood and grabbed his hand, pulling him up.

     "I let you win." He teased. I let him go and laugh as he falls.

     Once we'd calmed down again and sat cross legged next to each other. There was the massive rose garden behind him, the castle behind me. The black and crimson roses were beautiful, as well as the navy blue pavilion peeking over the top of the bushes. His deep blue eyes shone with happiness. He pulled out a black box. He smiled and pulled out the ruby sword. My family crest.

     The dream ended. Flashed of red, blood. Pain.

     I gasped back to consciousness, withering in pain in the blood soaked carpet. My head is splitting, dreams flashing through my head, all dipped in blood, all filled with pain. Klaus dangled the necklace over my head, laughing.

     The door knob moved and Klaus quickly suppressed his laugh and pocketed the necklace, me still on the floor covered in blood and my head splitting open.

      Ash came in and Klaus ceased laughing, a smirk plastered on his face. I still suffered on the ground. What's going on? What are these flashes? Their too fast to catch. Some filled with pain and blood, others had the boy. Their flashes of dreams and nightmares. What's going on? Is Klaus doing this? Is it the necklace?

     I looked at Ashborne, and my eyes widened, wincing as pain shot through me. I ignored it and pushed myself up a little. Black hair, deep blue eyes. Nope, never mind. It was just my mind's creation to help me cope. I know it's not real, it's pointless to still believe, no matter how much I want it to be true. That's why it hurts, there  is nothing special about me, I'm just a boring human. Maybe that's why he seems familiar, my dreams. Something flashed through his eyes. I didn't catch it but I think it was remembrance, pain and sorrow, and then absolute fury, then settling back to the usual cold glare. I did something, causing him to be angry. Those thoughts are putting too much strain on me. I cried out, falling back to the ground. I grabbed at my head.

      "What exactly did you do?" Ash seemed curious. No way, the child's voice was warm. He smiled and laughed. There is no way, Ash is cold, cruel.

     "In due time. At the moment I should attend to something. You have your fun." Klaus passed him and walked out the door. As soon as it was shut Ash made his way over to me.

     "What did he do to you?" Ash asked, touching the bite mark on my neck. He picked me up and just stood there for a second, my blood dripping to the already blood-stained carpet below.

     "I-I don't know...i-it hurts...I-I'm s-sorry, I d-don't think I'm strong enough s-sire...I..." I was losing too much blood and in too much pain. I'm losing my grip on reality. Great. I'm awake, they suck me dry or put me in too much pain so I pass out, just to repeat again when I wake up. This is all so pointless...and then I pass out in Ash's arms...again.

Damned Pure-blood Prince [Book #1 of the Damned Series; Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora