Vampire Blade.

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      My eyes widened. I wince as pain spreads through my body. My left arm is useless. It hangs limply on my side. My right hand is on his wrist. I can't speak. I'm having a hard time breathing.  He smiled again, cruel and vicious. His eyes shone, his fangs glinted. He ducked and bit my side. I shook, my heads hitting the wall. The pain coursed through me. I tried to scream. He leaned back, flinging me to the ground. I cried out. He leaned down and pulled my right sleeve down and his smile broadened. I tried to pull my arm away. He tightened his grip on my wrist, tracing the scars on my arm.

      "Now I know who did this. You want to die? Let my help you." He bit into my wrist. He sucked some blood but he let me go, moving up to my neck. He whispered. "I could have some fun with you first."

     "N-no...please..." I struggled against him.

     "Well you seem to have broken more rules...perhaps you still need broken." His lips smiled and he violently bit down. My mouth opened, back arching. I can't make a sound. Everything is in so much pain. It was nearing Pure-blood bites. I felt a pulling, my body getting weaker. He let me go and laughed. He pushed the blade in further, twisting it a little. I screamed. He didn't take the knife out and I don't have the strength. "Poor girl. I'll be merciful. I'll let you bleed out."

      The left side of my neck, my left shoulder, my right wrist, my right side right below my rib cage, my upper left thigh, and lower right calf. It's not in my favor. I struggled to my feet, soaked in my own  blood, blood dripped from my wounds and my hands smeared the walls. I managed to get the door open and across the hall, collapsing against the door. I cried out, biting my lip. I sunk to the floor, breathing hard.

     "I swear-" Ash started, opening the door. He looked down at me and I instantly regretted coming to him. I should've bleed out across the hall. He picket me up, sighing.

     "S-sorry, s-sire...I-I'm sorry...I-"

     "Stop apologizing." My blood was soaking his clothes. I don't have the head lolled against his chest and I kept my eyes open for a second longer, until I slipped, falling into oblivion.

     I woke up but I couldn't move or open my eyes. Was I even awake? I felt bandages around my neck and legs. Whoever it was gingerly pulled up the hem of my shirt and inhaled sharply.

     "Who did this to you? Girl..." It was Ash. His voice is different, softer. He touched my abdomen and I whimpers. "'ll be fine."

     My body relaxed and I was leaned forward and he wrapped a bandage around my stomach. He set me back down. The dagger was still in me. He tugged at my sleeve.

     "Oh man..." He wrapped my wrist quickly and put his hand around the dagger. He pulled up swiftly. I gasped, my eyes flying open. I sat upright, tears rolling down my face. He pushed me back down, his softness gone. Was it ever there? He wrapped my shoulder and I was hyperventilating, losing consciousness.

     "S-sire...I-I'm sorry a-about this...i-it's my fault...I-I j-just-"

     "Stop, rest." He commanded. I looked up at him, tears in my eyes. It is my fault...I body didn't let me do anything, it listened to Ash. As I fell into the oblivion again I heard a mutter. "I'll kill Jordan for this. I swear it."

Damned Pure-blood Prince [Book #1 of the Damned Series; Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن