Prologue Day 2

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'Why is he here?' Axel thought to himself as he slowly walked over to the man.

He looked around and saw a sink with cupboards around it. 'There's got to be cups or something I could use to wake him up,' he said as he pulled down a cup. As he filled it, he heard the man begin to stir. 

'Might as well do this anyway,' he said to himself with a dirty smile on his face. The man's eyes began to open and Axel poured the cup on the mans face.

'What the —'  

Quickly, Axel covered the man's mouth so that no one outside the hospital room would be alerted.

'Who are you and why did you attack me?' Axel wispered quietly as he slowly moved his hand from the man's mouth.

'Somebody please—'

Axel covered the man's mouth again.

'Hmm I don't think I'm going to get anywhere by playing the easy going nice guy. Gonna have to step up my game.'

He rose and walked towards the chair that his clothes were once resting on and pushed it up against the door handle. He grabbed the man by his leg and began to drag him towards the open window.

'Wha— what are you going to do?' Axel was silent, he had to make this look good. Axel put him out the window and gave him once lance glare before pretending to drop him.


'Lets start with your name shall we?'

'Okay Okay its—' He started to gag and squirm making it difficult for Axel to hold him with one hand. His skin became ice cold and his eyes turned black. He looked at Axel and said in a coarse voice

'You will face the wrath of Erbus! This is my will and so it shall be!'

He grabbed the wrist Axel that had been holding the Erbus' leg. 

'AHHHHHHHH!' Axel screamed as the mans hand grasped his wrist.

It felt as though he was being burnt. He let go instinctivly and but the man still held on. The banging on the door got louder. 

'Open this door right now!' He heard someone yell. He couldn't even if he wanted to. The man would not let go. Finally, when they broke through the doors barracade, the man looked at them and then let go. They were a good 50 feet above the ground. The man started to scream just before he hit the ground. Axel didn't look to see what had happened to the man. He held his wrist tightly. There was still a seering pain now travelling all over his body. He heard a click of a gun as the bullet moved into the barrel hole, which was followed by a bunch of clicks.

'AXELLLL!'  He looked up and saw Cara being held by one of the doctors. In front of him, he saw a familar man with his gun pointed towards his forehead, and he wore a bullet proof vest, as did the rest of the men with him. 

'Don't move a muscle, or we will blow you away. We saw what you just did to that man. Don't even try to lie your way out of this one, Axel.'

Axel focused more on the man's face and saw that this was one of the cops that had tried many times to arrest him for jumping off of rooftops. He came to know this cop as Mr Incompetent because he was a horrible at his job. Whenever he got caught Axel would lie and say he was running to find his parents. He wasn't really lying. He did want to find his parents.  Mr Incompetent knew that he was  lying. He had known from the first time he had Axel police checked that he did not have parents. He knew Axel pretty well. Axel might have considered him a close friend since he knew so much about him, if whenever they met they weren't at each others necks. Axel moved his hands behind his head and kneeled to the ground.

'I need to get out of here, but how?

'You could probably get out of here if they couldn't see you.' 

A voice spoke in his mind, and he felt a familiar feeling of coldness run through his body. Suddenly, darkness started to pool into the room from behind the police officers.

'Hey, what's going on here.'

'Why the hell is it getting so dark in here?'

As soon as Mr Incompetent turned his head to see what his men were talking about, Axel slapped the gun away from his head. He jumped up and kicked back off Mr Incompetent's chest, then fell out the window. He began to freefall towards the broken body of the man before. There people surronding his body pointing up above. He would be joining the man if he didn't think of something quick. 

'How are you going to get out of this one Enden? Anytime now, voice from before?' The ground was really close to him now.

'You could probably fly out of here if you made some wings.'

'How do I do that?!'

'I don't know, try using shadows.'

'Well here goes nothing... Shadows! Get me out of here!'

At that moment, the blanket of darkness flew at him and changed into a humanoid form at a blinding speed. It grabbed Axel's body; he felt a flimsy arm and grabbed onto it. He pulled up as hard as he could and he felt himself soar above the crowd seconds before impact. He landed on a rooftop across from the hospital building.


Axel looked and saw a helicopter. He saw people looking down on him with a expression of shock on their face. Axel looked over and saw a man-like shadow, with a skull imprint on his face and a grey X spread across his chest. He grabbed onto Axel and ran toward the edge of the building and threw him up in the air. Axel had just enough time to turn his head and look at the helicopter turn on it's spotlight and shine it at his savior. 

'Think of home!' He heard the voice say in his head as he fell towards the shadowy alleyway below.

He thought of his apartment which he had been staying in for a while without the building owner knowing. He closed his eyes as he entered the darkness and then he hit the ground. When he opened his eyes, he was in the empty apartment room he called home.

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