Zane hadn’t known Laken as long as the others. He hadn’t gotten to benefit from her company as much as the others but he still felt as though a small piece of him had died inside when he realized that Laken had passed away. He kept strong, only letting a small tear roll down his face. He knew he had to keep what he knew a secret. He knew that no one else there could ever know that he and Laken were brother and sister. That would make everything else to follow far too difficult. He only wished that he had had the time to finish explaining his story to her. He wanted her, no, he needed her to know the truth. It wasn’t their mother’s fault that he was taken and placed into that hell hole. He had been six at the time, just started the first grade and wanted everyone to know that he was cool. Everyone knew that his mom was a drunk and no one wanted to be his friend so he thought he had to prove himself. On the day he was taken, he had ran into some fourth graders on the way home from school. He usually walked with Zack, but he had basketball practice and Zane hated sports so he walked home. When the fourth graders asked him where his sidekick was, Zane came up with some smartass (at least as smartass as a six year old can be) comment. The fourth graders got mad and tried to beat him up so he ran. They teased him the whole way to his house and when he got to his front yard, with the other kids still close behind, he saw his mom passed out on the lawn, a bottle of whiskey in hand. All the kids laughed and made terrible jokes and Zane cracked under the pressure. He picked up the bottle and threw it at the oldest, loudest boy, Greg, and it hit him right in the face. Greg fell to the ground and Zane jumped on him and started punching him as hard as he could. When he finally stopped, Greg wasn’t moving. All the others had dispersed and Zane had no idea what to do so he ran. He ran as far and fast as he could. He knew that he could no longer be seen in that town. That picture perfect little garden of Eden had been destroyed. He knew he could no longer be the good kid, and that if anyone ever saw him, he would go to jail. So, he walked. And that’s when he was picked up by a seemingly nice enough woman and brought to this place. He was so happy to know that his mother had gotten sober. And so happy to know his sister, even if for just a small time. No longer would Zane just conform to the monstrosity Brenda ordered. He would stand up for himself and others, and fight for what is right. But first he had to help Marshall deliver Laken’s precious little boy. He knew no one else in the room could compose themselves enough to so he would, for her. But, just as Marshal was about to make the first cut, Jason took the scalpel from his hand.

“No, Jason, what are you doing!?”

“I can’t do this anymore. I have to go.”

“No, Jason, please listen to me. I am your family, boy. I can’t stand here and watch somebody else die dammit! Give me the scalpel, now.”

“I’m sorry Uncle Marshal. I can’t do that.”

Echoes of “no” filled the room as Jason took the blade and slit it across his own throat. The blood spattered from floor to ceiling and on anyone in sight. In an instant he was dead, lying on the floor motionless. Jaxon ran over to his brother and cradled him in his arms while he silently wept. No words were spoken for a long moment until Zane finally spoke up.

“Marshal, we still have to get that baby out, now!”

“Of course.”

And with that, Lucas was born. A healthy baby boy with beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair. The perfect picture of joy and health.

Laken’s body was covered, along with Jason’s and the rest of them left the room. What seemed like an eternity since Laken had been stabbed had, in reality, only been 25 minutes. When the men walked out of the room they were met by an unhappy looking Brenda.

“What the hell happened here!? And who the hell is that child??!”

“Mom, this is Laken’s son, Lucas.”

“Ohh how marvelous! A new one. I’m always hungry for new blood! Now tell me, why is there so much blood all over my floor, and you all?”

“Laken was stabbed, and we couldn’t save her. And…and……”

“And what Jaxon?  Spit it out for heaven’s sake child!”

“Jason is dead.”


“Jaxon, take Lucas to your room with you please. I’ll talk to your mother and be there in a moment. Zane, go get cleaned up.”

“Yes sir.”

“Marshal, please tell me what happened to my son.”

“I’m so sorry Brenda, he killed himself.”

Marshal explained everything to her and when he was finished he got the last response he was ever expecting.

“Well, what a pity. The boy was so weak; I thought I raised him better than that. I guess I’ll have to do better with the new one.”

After Marshal explained everything to Brenda he went to quickly check on Zane before going to Jaxon’s room to tend to him and Lucas. Zane was lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. When asked what he was feeling, Zane simply replied “life’s a bitch” and said no more. Marshal knew not to press the subject and left to go to see Jaxon.

When he got there, Jaxon was cradling Lucas in his arms and looked the happiest he had ever seen him. Marshal decided to make the point to Brenda that Lucas should be given a father, such as Jaxon, to learn from. He already knew Jaxon would do it; there was no need to ask him. And he hoped Brenda would see Jaxon as her strongest son and submit to the idea without much pressure. He wasn’t sure how much of an argument he could make for the issue other than Lucas needing someone who loves him and who was close to his mother to pass on her legacy to him. And Marshal knew Brenda would laugh in his face if he presented that argument.

He and Jaxon talked about how Jaxon had to step up and be a man for his son. Lucas may not be related to him by blood but he was the closest thing that baby would ever have to family and Marshal wanted to make sure that Jaxon always called him his son, and that Lucas never knew otherwise. Maybe it was not wise to lie to the boy, but it was for his own good. He needed some peace and stability in his life and Marshal was going to make damn sure it happened.

Jaxon was in love with the little guy the moment he saw him. His blue eyes and blonde locks of hair were perfection. He looked so much like Laken, yet so much like his own person that it was unreal. Jaxon had always wanted children. People who would love him no matter what he did or said. His family was not like that at all and he desperately needed the unconditional love. He decided that he was going to raise Lucas as his own and, together with Marshal, they decided it would be best if Lucas never knew the truth about his biological father. Jaxon felt that he could be everything the boy needed in a father anyway; there was no need to further confuse him. His only dilemma was how he was to raise a child, love him, and then let Brenda corrupt and destroy him in this business. He knew he wasn’t as heartless as her. He couldn’t just raise children to be sex slaves, but he had no idea how to prevent that from happening to Lucas. His sweet, sweet Lucas. But he would figure it out. After Marshal went back to the infirmary to clean up all that had been lost, there was only one more thing to contend with; telling Michael what had just transpired. 


Again, the next chapter will be slightly short. You guys may have to wait a bit because I am having trouble writing the ending. I want it to be perfect! So when it is, you all will be the first to know!

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