Untitled Part 16

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---Thanisha's POV---

Remind me to never eat that again. So much for trying something new. Now, I can't stop throwing up.

Mom just gave me something to drink and told me lay down.

I don't know how long I was out before I got told to wake up.

"Kya hua Mom? Why did you wake me up?"I asked.

"Someone is here to see you,"she said.

"Okay, I'll just switch..."I was saying but she moved out of the way to reveal Shehry.

"Hey,"I said surprised.

"Hi,"he said.

"I'll leave you two alone," mom said and left.

"So how are you feeling now?"He asked.

"To be honest, I feel like crap. Don't ever let me try new things,"I said and he laughed at that.

"But it's good to try new things,"he said.

"NO!"I said.

"Anyways, I came to give you the notes. And he said something about being halfway done with a research paper,"he said.

"Done,"I said.

"It's done?" He asked.

"No, it is almost," I said.

"Damn, I have to start mine," he said.

I laughed at that.

"See you later. Hope you get better," he said.

"Thanks for this, " I said.

"Not needed,"he said.

He got up to leave. He was by the door when he turned back around.

"Cute PJs by the way,"he said.

I turned red realizing what I was wearing.

"Uuuuummm thanks,"I said.

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