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---Hussain's POV---

Who's calling me so early? Let me sleep! I'm off today!

It's probably Shehry. Who else would call me early?

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I yelled.

"Woah! Yeh Koi tarika hai?" Aproova asked.

Oh f*ck!

"Sorry babe. Thought you were Shehry," I said.

"It's okay," she said.

"So why so early? Subah subah meri yaad," I said.

"I need help,"she said.

"With what?" I asked.

"You know I have wildcard round coming up. I was wondering if you could help me practice," she said.

"Hhhmmm. Sure, where you at?" I asked.

"School's tennis courts,"she said.

"Okay, be there in a bit," I said.

I got up and got ready. Once I was done, I left.

I got there for a few seconds just looked at her. She's so beautiful.

"Ready?" She asked snapping me out of it.

"Ya," I said.

We started a round and kept going.

I won the first two rounds and I wanted to laugh at her frustration.

I let her win the next to.

"Tie breaker?" She asked.

"Bring it on," I said.

"How about a bet?" She asked.

"What're we talkin?" I asked.

"If I win then you have to take me for ice-cream and you call your rule,"she said.

I smiled at that.

"I'll let you know, after I win," I said.

"Hussain!" She complained.

"Your serve," I said.

We started another round. To my suprise, I actually did win.

"HA! In your face!" I yelled.

She looked suprised at what I said.

"Sorry habit," I said.

"So you won. Tell me what you want," she said.

"Well, let me start a list,"I said.

"Hussain,"she complained.

"I want this," I said pulling her closer and kissing her.

"Bus? Ho gaya?" She asked.

"Why? Do you want another one?" I asked.

"NO!" She said.

"Wait, I need one more thing," I said.

"What?" She asked.

"I need to take my girl out for ice-cream," I said.

"I said if I win,"she said.

"Ya, I won. Which means I do what I want. I want to see my girl happy,"I said.

She smiled at that.

"Challo!" She said.

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