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----Thanisha's POV---

"Hey guys," I said sitting with them.

"What's up?" Aproova asked.

"Not much. What about you guys?" I asked.

"Same," I said.

We were all sitting and talking when Shehry joined us with some girl.

"Hello people," he said.

"Hey," we said.

"Shehry, yeh kohn hai?" Hussain asked.

"Oh everyone this is Fara," he said and introduced as one by one.

"Hi," she said.

We all sat around and talked for a bit more, til she had to leave.

What shocked everyone was that she kissed him before leaving. Not a real kiss but on the cheek.

"You ok?" I heard Gauri whisper.

I nodded.

That's what I get for never telling him.

It's not like he knows.

"So who's coming the game later on?" Sapna asked thankfully switching into a different topic.

"I'll definitely be there,"Atif said.

"Of course you will,"Aproova said.

We laughed at that.

"Who else?" Sapna asked.

"We'll all be there. All 7 of us as per usual," I said.

All of our group of friends ALWAYS attended each other games. Not only are we supporting the person playing but we're also making new memories.

"Well 6 of them are. I won't be able to come,"Shehry said.

"What? But we all always go together,"Hussain said.

"Ya, I know. But I'm already busy today," he said.

"I'll come to other games, just busy," he said.

He turned to Sapna.

"Not naraz nah?" He asked.

"Shehry, this is our last game, unless we make playoffs and the team we're playing against is really good, so we might not. I'd like if all my friends could be there," she said.

"I just told you.."he was saying but she interrupted him.

"I know you are busy. But if you finish early, try to come. Please,"she said.

The way she said broke my heart into pieces.

"No promises, but I'll try,"he said.

A/N--》 Pic of Fara on top.

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