Chapter 22

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It had been a few weeks since all that happend and I was putting it behind me but Kim on the other hand , She was blaming herself for everything.  She was being so hard on herself. Even if it was something silly like the gas ran out she would curse herself for not checking up on the meator. We still hadn't has sex aswell which I was finding difficault not because I was gagging for it but because I love being intimate with Kimberley and love making her feel good. So tonight was going to be a special night and I was going to make sure of it.

I had lit all the candles and set the table all I needed now was Kimberley.

" Honey am home." She shouted before laughing.

" Babe wait there dont move."

I ran down the hall to the door where she was standing.

" What are you up to Cheryl ?" She asked while raising her eyebrow.

" Just showing you how special you are to me."

" But . . . "

" Kimberley I want you to stop blaming yourself , I love you , It was not your fault I am very very sorry for saying that cause its not true so stop blaming yourself for everything."

She gazed down to the floor , The tears soon followed.

" Babe please dont cry." I moved closer and wrapped her in a hug.

" It's just I keep thinking you are going to wake up one day and realise it was all my fault and leave me thats why I have been a bit distant I dont want to fall in love with  you even more although I dought thats possiable."

" Hey ." I placed my hand under her chin and forced her to look at me.

" Kimberley I will never leave you , Not matter what I will always and I mean always be here for you and just so you know whatever happens you will always be my bestfriend. But right now I am madly in love with you and I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you , Making you happy each day of our lives together."

" Thats all I want Cheryl and if anything ever happened all I want to know is that you will always be my friend , My best friend. But I dont want to just be friends and I dont think I ever will , I love you too much I am so sorry for being distant." We were both sobbing together by this point.

" I will always be there for you babe."

I pulled back to wipe away her tears. 

" You are so special Kimberley I hope you know that." 

Leaning foward she placed a sweet kiss on my lips.

" So what are you up to then ?"

" Come and see." I took hold of her hand and lead her into the living room.

" Aww Babe , This is beautiful , You done all this for me ?"

" Course I did I love you , Dinner will be ready soon."

I turned to walk into the kitchen when I felt her grab my hand.

" Wait !"

I turned around to face her only to see pure lust and desire in her eyes.

" Cheryl its been along time."

I nodded simply knowing what she was talking about.

" Yes it has." I smiled before stepping forward and kissing her gently.

" I am sorry." 

" What for babe ?"

" For making you wait !"

" Dont be stupid you had your reasons and I know them now so dont worry about it."

" I dont want you to wait any longer though." A smile smile crept across her face just before she finished her sentence.

" What about the dinner ?"

" Cant we not eat it later , I have a feeling it might be over quickly." She winked.

" Haha ! , Probably but I want to make love to you all night."

" Well then , You can cook me a nice breakfast then."

I smiled at her thinking.

" I love you Kimberley."

" I love you to baby."

The next day when I woke I noticed Kimberley wasnt beside me.

" Babe ?" I shouted.

" Two mintues hunny."

A few moments later Kimberley appeared from the toliet.

" Good morning sleeping beauty." She winked.

" I cant remember sleeping much !" I chuckled back.

" In that case , Good morning sha*ging beauty."

" Haha ! , Very clever."

She climbed back into bed and snuggled up beside me pulling me into a warm hug.

" I love you Cheryl." She whispered into my ear.

" I love you too Kimberley more than anything else in the world."

I felt her lips form into a smile against my skin. A comfortable silence took over which gave me time to think. Getting to this point was hard everything we had gone through in the past month was a struggle but we got through it together. Everything else that the big bad world threw at us we would overcome because we had each other and nothing could break us nothing could stand in our way. 

My thoughts slowly drifted away as I felt my eyes getting heavy again. I fell asleep in my lovers arms content and happy that I had finally found my soulmate. 


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