Chapter 8

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Stumbling out of the car that Kimberley had parked in her garage away from prying eyes we just couldn’t keep our eyes off each other. As I groped her firm but yet very voluptuous arse I heard her moan . . .

“ Cheryl I am still so wet.” She whispered into my ear , Her warm breath sending shivers down my spine.

Lifting one of my hands from her bum I directed it to her most intimate area , Feeling her wetness soak through her jeans I was surprised , I couldn’t believe I could have this much effect on someone.

“ Feel me babe.” I said before kissing her passionately.

Pulling her hand away from where it was rested on my hip she slowly ran her hand across my flat toned stomach before letting it come to rest at the top of my tracksuit bottoms. Using her other hand she rested it on the bottom of my back , Placing small circles around the cute little dimples she has told me she loved often enough. Placing my hand over the waistband on my bottoms lightly touching Kimberley I pulled a small opening. Directing her hand in then leaving it and pulling my own hand out I felt my breathing pick up speed.

“ Wow you are wet.” She laughted .

Pulling her hand back out she licked her fingers that were covered with my juices.

“ Open your mouth babe I want you to taste how F*cking good you are.”

Reaching back down into my trousers she parted my lips with her fingers.

“ Aw God.” I moaned feeling her stroaking my pussy.

Bringing her fingers back out she lifted her hand to my mouth before sticking her two fingers in , Sucking her wet fingers I could taste myself and to be honest it really turned me on. Seeing my excitement Kimberley removed her fingers from my mouth and replaced them with her soft plump lips. Still tasting the juices in my mouth she slowly began to suck my tongue.

“Mmm.” I moaned. 

Feeling her pull away I reluctantly let her go.

“ Babe we need to go and get ready before we are late.”

“ But you have to repay me.” I winked

“ Now who’s the tease?” She winked back.

Seeing the hurt in my eyes she pulled me into a hug before nibbling on my earlobe.

“ I am just kidding hun , lets get out of this garage and get washed together.” She whispered with a twinkle in her eye.

Walking up the stairs hand in hand and through the door into her kitchen we started making our way upstairs to her en suite bathroom.

Truth Or DareDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora