Chapter One

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Just to remind you, the main character in this book is Carson.
Enjoy ;)

"Dad, just stop!" I screamed, running up the stairs. "Carson, get back here! Don't you dare tell me what to do!" My fatger yelled as I closed and locked my door. I slid down against my door; head in hands. "Carson!" He yelled again. I got up, terrified, and ran to the window.

I have to get out of here!

As I opened my window, my door slammed open and my father charged into the room. I panicked and tried to jump out of the window, but he caught me by the collar of my jacket and jerked me back into my room. "Dad! Please!" I plead; warm tears streaming down my cheeks. "You can't escape me! I'm everywhere! If you ever try to leave me, you'll regret it my son!" He yelled; gripping the back of my neck tightly. "I'm not your son, and you're no father!" I spat at him. Those words made him crack. He pushed me against the wall; strangling me. "You little..." He trailed off; only to scream.

I think he's losing it...

I sobbed as his grip on my neck got tighter around my neck. He increased the force around my neck; I felt like I would pass out from lack of oxygen. He gave me one more hard push into the wall before letting me go and leaving. I dropped to the floor in sobs.

Why does he do this?

Why is he so abusive?

Why did mom have to die?


I was standing in a black tie, black suit and silently cried in the rain. It was my mother's funeral. I looked at my father beside me. He was silently crying as well. I placed my hand on his shoulder, but he jerked it away and walked closer to my mother's coffin, which was being lowered down into the ground. I lowered my head as I sobbed, squeazing the bridge of my nose.

We then all stood to sing my mother's favourite hymn, Silent Night. I stood, but fell back over again. Ethan ran to my side, for he was the only one out of all my friends who showed up, and helped me back up. "Mom," I whispered as they began to cover my mother's coffin in the earth. "I'm sorry..." I trailed off into tears.

*End of flashback*

I broke down at the thought of my mother's dead figure. Her death was what caused my father's depression and abusive ways. He thought it was my fault and I'm starting to believe it.

Child abuse is the most terrifying, scarring, crushing, disastrous experience to any child, no matter what age. It isn't the least bit funny and there are people out there who think child abuse doesn't happen, but I can prove it does with all my scars...

Carson Henderson is played by Diego Barrueco.
When I think of my character, he's who I see.
But if you don't like him, or don't imagine him, that's fine.
The whole point of a book is imagination.
So have fun imagining

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